Blood Colour Charlotte 插入曲 作詞:麻枝准 作曲:光收容 編曲:光收容 歌:marina 中文翻譯:萌娘百科 線上試聽:請按我
Lying Before me,scene painted in green 眼前之景早已被塗上明綠色 I was never found when I played hide&seek 捉迷藏時我從未被找到過
The scenery I see is beautiful like my blood 景色如同我的血液一般炫彩奪目 Flows gracefully from my wrist that I've cut 優雅的從割開的手腕上流下
Oh raging wind,go do your thing 憤怒的風啊,繼續你的旅程吧 And take me away out of this painted space 然後將我從這個已被塗滿色彩的地方帶走 The world that I have yet to see 到那我還沒見過的世界 Where two of us are only 到那只有我們兩個的世界
Shooting on my neck,the burning sun 燃燒著的太陽從我的脖頸中升起 Where is the day when I was never found 那是我從未見過的新的天地
I always fail to notice the importance things in this life 我竟無視了那麼多生命中重要之物 Is it because I was playing foul? 是因為我老是「犯規」嗎?
The wound on my wrist I've cut myself still has not been healed,tingles with pain 手腕上自己割開的傷口仍然沒有痊癒,隱隱作痛 I shall tell my blood to soar up high with the wind 也許我該讓我的血液與風一起飛舞 Let it dye everything 給所有的東西染上顏色
Oh raging wind,go do your thing 憤怒的風兒啊,做你的事情去吧 And take me away out of this tainted space 並帶我離開這個腐朽的空間 Have no complaints where I will be even if it maculate than where I am now 到那我不會再有任何抱怨的,就算比此處更加污濁之地
Riding the wind that rages high up in the air 騎著那在高空中咆哮著的怒風 I'am going to find you now 我現在就來找你了 The world that I have yet to see 那個我還沒見過的世界 The world that I exist 那個我還活著的世界