
日誌2018-02-26 17:35



買了一年多的海盜船strafe rgb鍵盤近來問題越來越多
不堪其擾的情況下 最後決定送修處理


  • 幾個比較重要的注意事項分享
  1. 地址只接受全英文,不接受中文。中文地址英譯網址  利用郵局的這個網站翻譯後,全部複製貼上即可
  2. 只要還在保固期內,就算發票遺失,只要代理商保固卡還在,購買日期還在,依舊可以送修
  3. 一定要時常找客服詢問進度,不然他們不會主動告知你你的商品缺貨,可能要等很久之類的訊息,像我的鍵盤(strafe rgb)貌似就因為缺貨,等到我鍵盤都寄出且他們成功收到,又過了好幾天沒有消息,我自己詢問後,客服才告知我,從收到鍵盤的日期算起,要等31天,且還只是預估時間。
  4. 若發生缺貨等奇怪事項導致要等待過久的情況,若不能接受,請直接告知客服,請他們幫你查看有沒有能替換的商品型號或備品,我的情況是,詢問後,客服告知我可以幫我換成k70 lux rgb,上網搜尋後,發現算是一個小升級,雖然外型個人不怎麼喜歡,但無奈之下,也只能接受。
  5. 若填單的時候,找不到自己產品的型號,請選一個一樣型號但不同語種的產品,並於填單後留言告知客服正確型號,例如:The correct Part-Numer is : CH-9000227-TW

Hi, my name is Glory CS. How may I help you?
me: hi
me: i lost my buying invoice
me: I only keep my product warranty card
me: will it work?
me: or what should I do now?
me: since I bought my keyboard has been 1.5years.I just can't find the invoice.it has been a long time..
Glory CS: I'll create a ticket for you so our technical support can assist you on the technical issues your having on your keyboard, May I please have the part number of your keyboard?
Glory CS: It starts with CH.
me: I already create one. Ticket ID is 679607
Glory CS: Thank you
Glory CS: Please give  me a moment while I check the ticket.
me: can you help me take a looks that does there have something wrong?
me: ok
me: thank you
Glory CS: I already forwarded your ticket to our technical support. Please upload a copy of your receipt for warranty validation. You will be contacted by Tech support within 24 to 48 hours via email.
me: ok
me: https://support.corsair.com/ci/fattach/get/105926/1517261674/filename/******.jpg
me: uploaded
me: It's Chinese.does it matter?
Glory CS: Ok that's great.
Glory CS: It's fine if it's in Chinese.
Glory CS: Is there anything else that I can help you with?
me: got it.
me: no,I have no question
me: Thank you Glory :)
me: have a nice day :)
Glory CS: Thank you for contacting Corsair and have a wonderful day.
'me' disconnected ('Concluded by End-user').


Hi, my name is Nina CS. How may I help you?
me: hello Nina
Nina CS: hi!
me: I created a ticket in 01/29 , but I still don't get any email answer now, can you help my to chick it out ? my ticket id is 679707.is it something wrong or i miss something ?
Nina CS: Sure!
Nina CS: one moment
me: thank you
Nina CS: give me a minute or two to check.. thanks
me: sure
Nina CS: Corsair Scimitar side button error ?
me: yes
Nina CS: I see.
me: keyboard have something wrong that keeping repeat same key
Nina CS: I'm sorry about the delay.
Nina CS: do you still have the receipt?
Nina CS: when and where did you exactly purchase it?
me: 2016-11-02  bought in Taiwan
me: it's been too long.hard to find the receipt.  only got product warranty card and my credit card detail
Nina CS: I see. Let check what I can do.
me: but the credit card detail is including all computer .there's nothing can proof the keyboard is including in..
me: ok
Nina CS: Gaming Mice have a 2 year warranty
Nina CS: however we might be needing a receipt.
me: does that means I cant get my warrantly?
Nina CS: I'll consult my supervisor about it first.
Nina CS: hi!
me: hi?
Nina CS: can you please attach the picture of the warranty card?
Nina CS: in the ticket that you created?
me: I already uploaded
me: yes
Nina CS: and the billing details as well?
Nina CS: good..
me: sorry  what is billing detail ..
Nina CS: the credit card details that you mention earlier...
me: ok got it
Nina CS: any proof of purchase..
Nina CS: then I will send it to our support..
Nina CS: I will take ownership of your ticket..
me: I can apply to a credit card company
me: but like I said . there's nothing detail about my keyboard
Nina CS: I'll accept the warranty card
Nina CS: is there date indicated at least?
me: at my keyboard's back side have the purchase date
me: https://support.corsair.com/ci/fattach/get/105927/1517261674/filename/210356.jpg
Nina CS: good.. you can take a photo of it.. then send it to the ticket created on the website.
me: I had.
me: it's all in the ticket
me: and Glory told me that I'll be contacted by Tech support within 24 to 48 hours via email.
me: there's a conversation in the ticket.
Nina CS: thanks for the info.
Nina CS: I found it
Nina CS: I will have this submitted to our support team. I will find a way to have it approve today
Nina CS: I'll send you an email about it.
me: It's ok. I can wait. I just want to check it out that will I get my warranty.and you make me scare. XD
Nina CS: Yes you should be good.
Nina CS: sorry if I scare you.
me: it's ok ! keeping talk to someone you dont know for job must be tierd.nvm ~ thank you Nina.I'll wait for my email
Nina CS: Anything else I can assist you with before I let you go.
me: no, im good
Nina CS: Thank you for contacting Corsair , have a great day!
me: thanks again
me: you too
'me' disconnected ('Concluded by End-user').


若是沒有主動詢問並換貨...我最快要03/21才會收到我的strafe rgb鍵盤
這幾天應該會收到換貨的k70 lux rgb 希望不要等太久..

整體來說 AHQ的效率真的不敢恭維






軸體開箱:RK(Royal Kludge) 煙雨軸V2

開箱鍵帽,AUSPICIOUS SNOW-瑞雪,踏着瑞雪迎着北風,即將迎來新年。


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