
日誌2018-09-24 00:07

Crime and intimidation 罪業與恐嚇


Crime and intimidation

Author :Kai-Chi Chang

Let’s think calmly, are all the species in this world living very happy and carefree?

Of course NOT!

In fact, all species struggle very hard, and there are dangers everywhere at any time.

Human beings are also one of the species, and we are struggling very hard too. Just because our technological is much advanced than other species, we are finally at the top of the food chain, which significantly reduced the chance of being preyed by other species.  Our lives are rarely jeopardized. However, human beings are often hurt by ourselves, including legal and illegal methods. Political strategies, and commercial tactics, are all exploiting civilians and even poor people, forming a serious of social inequality.

It is not easy for people to make a living in nature, and it is equally difficult to make a living in human society. There are also various adversities of life, including illness and death, as well as natural and man-made disasters.

Peaceful and smooth life is the human’s basic hope. However, such a good situation is not the norm. It is a luxury. Most people cannot enjoy such good situation for a long time. People maybe enjoy a good time for a short period, or never lead such a good time for their whole life.

Since it is hard to make a living, it is inevitable that there will be some competition.  By instinct we may make some words and deeds that violate the rules of social games.

However, under the framework of human spiritual civilization, many religions and ethics are so demanding to restrict all human beings. Ironically, these sin and crime concept are stressed by these religious personages, who are all supported by the common people, and they don’t need worry about the food, and their family.

Don’t Judge Me Until You’ve Walked In My Shoes.

If these priests, nuns, monks, and nuns are returned to the society, and they must make a living by their own efforts. Just like common people, they need marry someone, raise the children, and make a living. I am wondering if they still stress these sin, crime, and karma all the time.

I think probably not.

Probably, we should temporarily remove these spiritual civilizations and religious concept from the human society. Let the humans live in an original natural environment, and we still on the top of the food chain.

Without the intimidation of the sin and the karma, will humans get worse or get better?

I guess there won't be much change, because human beings are the products of nature, and they will live in the most favorable and optimal way according to natural selection.

Especially without religion, human beings will not become worse or better, but at least they will become more free and more comfortable.  Our body will be more free and our souls will be more comfortable.

Because human beings can really be our own masters, instead of being servants who are always in the dark. We do not have to serve the virtual gods, do not have to please the ghosts, do not waste huge social resources. We don’t need feed these parasites who take advantage of religions to obtain tremendous interest for themselves. More important, we will not be intimidated by these people all the time.

"Real people" know how to be Self-positioning. If you understand self-discipline, you don't use the sin frame to restrict yourself! Not needed at all!

Ghosts and gods have no right to interfere with human thoughts and deeds. Religion can't have any privilege to control and judgment human thoughts. Religious swindler can't have the parasitic privilege and can't use the sin to intimidate the world!

When a region is ruled by white terror, there will be "There is a problem with thoughts!". When a region is ruled by red terror, there will have the intimidating vocabulary of "you are the current counter-revolution!". Similarly, only in areas where ghosts and gods rule, there will be threatening vocabulary, such as “sin” and “karma”.

The "karma" is just a threatening word!

"There is a problem with thoughts!" and "You are the current counter-revolution!" will eventually become history with the collapse of the political system and ideology, and the "sin” and “Karma" will also! When human beings are truly separated from theocracy, no longer serving the gods, and completely abandoning superstition, the intimidating vocabulary of "sin” and “karma” will become the "historical noun", as one of the blemish attaints of human spiritual civilization.



































造型練習。 0501⋯⋯臨摹日系可愛的畫風



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