
日誌2008-03-09 09:56

Lark -百靈鳥 (附週年紀念翻譯)-


今天介紹的歌手 Cara Dillon,和 Méav 一樣來自愛爾蘭--
這首叫 The Lark in the Clean Air(純淨天空裡的雲雀):

Dear thoughts are in my mind
And my soul soars enchanted
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day.
For a tender beaming smile
To my hope has been granted
And tomorrow she shall hear
All my fond heart would say.

I shall tell her all my love
And my soul's adoration
And I think she will hear me
And will not say nay.
It is this that gives my soul
All its joyous elation
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day.



Cara Dillon 唱起歡快的一首傳統民謠,
P stands for Paddy:

As I went out one May morning to take a pleasant walk
Well, I sat m'self down by an old faill wall just to hear two lovers talk
To hear two lovers talk, my dear, to hear what they might say
That I might know a little more about love before I went away

 P stands for Paddy, I suppose, J for my love, John
 W stands for false Willie, oh but Johnny is the fairest man
 Johnny is the fairest man, my dear, aye, Johnny's the fairest man
 I don't care what anybody says, Johnny is the fairest man

Won't you come and sit beside me, beside me on the green
It's a long three quarters of a year or more since together we have been
Together we have been, my dear, together we have been
It's a long three quarters of a year or more since together we have been

No, I'll not sit beside you, not now nor at any other time
For I hear you have another little girl, and your heart's no longer mine
Your heart's no longer mine, my dear, your heart's no longer mine
For I hear you have another little girl, and your heart's no longer mine

So I'll go climb the tall, tall tree, I'll rob the wild bird's nest
When I come down, I'll go straight home to the girl that I love best
To the girl that I love best, my dear, the girl that I love best
When I come down, I'll go straight home to the girl that I love best

從 00:40 開始,那種疑似是愛爾蘭風笛的樂器,很有民族特色,
讓我聯想到大河之舞(Riverdance)的 Reel Around the Sun


由 Cara Dillon 重新演繹的
The Snows They Melt The Soonest:

O, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing;
And the corn it ripens fastest when the frosts are setting in;
And when a woman tells me that my face she'll soon forget,
Before we part, I wad a crown, she's fain to follow't yet.

The snow it melts the soonest when the wind begins to sing;
And the swallow skims without a thought as long as it is spring;
But when spring goes, and winter blows, my lass, an ye'll be fain,
For all your pride, to follow me, were't cross the stormy main.

O, the snow it melts the soonest when the wind begins to sing;
The bee that flew when summer shined, in winter cannot sting;-
I've seen a woman's anger melt between the night and morn,
And it's surely not a harder thing to tame a woman's scorn.

O, never say me farewell here -no farewell I'll receive,
For you shall set me to the stile, and kiss and take your leave;
But I'll stay here till the woodcock comes, and the martlet takes his wing,
Since the snow aye melts the soonest, lass, when the wind begins to sing.

這首的歷史可以追溯到 1821 年的一位街頭藝人,








然而,對多數人來說,要記住的紀念日只有幾個。七月四日(美國「獨立」日),對每個美國人來說都相當重要。這是美國1776年給英國政府發出殖民地反叛信的日子。而在英國,許多老一輩的人仍然會慶祝11月11日的休戰紀念日,以紀念第一次世界大戰在1918年同月同日結束。英國人還會藉著11月5日的營火節,慶祝1605年試圖「炸掉」英國國會的〔天主教教徒〕 Guy Fawkes「被處刑」,英國人慶祝這個紀念日的方式,是放「煙火」和點營火。有趣的是,多數英國人都不知道自己到底是為了 Guy Fawkes 被處刑而慶祝,還是為他試圖炸掉政府而慶祝!

相關網頁: 英國政教合一的證據





聖災——其內:角彘 ‧ 抹光(完)




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