
日誌2019-02-28 16:55

Ben Platt-Ease my mind


Ben Platt在2/13時上傳了新專輯Sing to me instead 的第二首歌 Ease my mind

這首歌的MV是接續新專輯第一首歌 Bad Habit MV

先附上MV連結 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCKbw9OJIcg&index=6&list=PLWyJiQ7TXL5VyRyq9yKeKwBGz6uznkzvh


會注意到Ben Platt也是因為 Pitch Perfect,後來看到他演出百老匯劇 Dear Evan Hansen的歌也非常愛

(大推裡面的 You will be found 真的很好聽!!!)

邊聽Ease my mind 時越聽越覺得有一種悲傷在心裡

然後看到另外一個演員出現,讓我哇了一下!!!就是演Teen Wolf 的 Charlie Carver

他還有一個雙胞胎弟弟 Max Carver

可惡  -///-

邊上歌詞 :
Most days I wake up with a pit in my chest
There are thoughts that I can't put to rest
There's a worry that I can't place
Most nights, I am restless and quiet won't come
So I lay there and wait for the sun
There's a trouble that won't show its face

You came out of nowhere and you cut through all the noise
I make sense to the madness when I listen to your voice

Darling, only you can ease my mind
Help me leave these lonely thoughts behind
When they pull me under, and I can feel my sanity start to unwind
Darling, only you can ease my mind

I'll admit, for a moment I felt so afraid
Just to show you the mess that I made
There are pieces I usually hide
But when you collect me with your steady hand
With a language that I understand
I feel put back together inside

You came out of nowhere and you cut through all the noise
I make sense of the madness when I listen to your voice

Oh Darling, only you can ease my mind
Oh help me leave these lonely thoughts beh
When they pull me under, and I can feel my sanity start to unwind
Darling, only you can ease my mind
Darling, only you can ease my mind
Help me leave these lonely thoughts behind
When they pull me under, and I can feel my sanity start to unwind
Darling, only you can ease my mind

最後一段Ben Platt唱的也唱到讓我心碎了,有點像低語的唱法,像在向對方祈求一件微小的事.

已經開始期待第三隻MV的發佈 好想知道最後跟charlie carver兩個人怎麼了

3/29新專輯就上了 Spotify已經可以聽現在出的兩首歌了!






原神 振晶的應用研究 全獎勵攻略




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