
日誌2019-04-12 04:34

Miss the good old days


Yes first of all I am literally drunk now
I can tell

Just miss the old days
When we meet everyday as a must
And now we take lots and lots of cost to make a chance of meeting, or even just chat online.

一個姐控 結果啪左個15歲嘅小妹妹
一個蘿莉控 結果同大自己五歲嘅女仔交往
一個誓死要娶外國妹 結果幾日前同港女掛穩交

We are bros but this is a fucking joke
I just really cant believe this whole piece of shxt
Ah btw my fd i am gonna kms cuz ys i m so damn stupid to cut out contacts
Why do i suppose ppl find me when i can find em bms
U kno this fkin dumb rules in the world of adult but u cant play along wif em
Ja i know i m young but u dumb shit u kno u are not actually that young
I really want to be normal
I dont want to grow up like this
Honestly I hate myself
I just cant keep hating
Doing everything bad assuming it can go right
Praying for god to gimme a chance
But literally doing nothing

Fade away cant help so face this shit
Dont ever try to get away
Face it, force urself to face
U kno the rules, pros and cons
Dont lettttt yourself down
Being the one and only one loser
The feel of heart breaking makes u strong
Right after you get across it

Bt why cant i get through
I think i should do better
Much better

I hope we can meet inDecember
I really hope so
I have already messed up once
Plz dont mess the second one up
I am telling you myself
This is the Last Chance
Keep up urself and the bonding
Cheers and gn, wake up morning and chill back home

Best wishes









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