
日誌2019-05-02 17:18

We Will Rise Again -(FarCry 黎明)


In the west shall rise
The sinister creed

The rich will get what they want
The poor will lose what they need

The devil knows our fears
He told all his friends

They'll block the sun with their lies
As darkness descends

Oh Lord, the great collapse
Won't be our end

When the world falls into the flames
We will rise again

We will rise again


Let the wars begin
We'll keep our pistols near

Our neighbors, frail and thin
As they disappear

Let the chaos come
Let our houses freeze

The lights will all go out
But we'll finally see

Oh Lord, the great collapse
Won't be our end

When the world falls into the flames
We will rise again

We will rise again


When the sky has cleared
And the storm has passed

We'll walk arm in arm
Down our promised path

We'll watch the sun come up
From its bed of black

We'll enter Eden's Garden
And never look back

Oh Lord, the great collapse
Won't be our end

When the world falls into the flames
We will rise again

We will rise again






Skyrim but it's lofi beats

4/21日記 - Tom Ford Oud Wood 香水分享


開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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