
日誌2019-06-06 18:49

No.19 6/6 Police department, Girls' Frontline


We visit the police department today.
I originally thought the visit is just looking around the building.
But actually, it is very substantial.

At first, they show us some equipment like an M16 rifle, a PPQ handgun, a submachine gun that I forgot the name, bulletproof shield, handcuff, and the point is we can pick up them!
I am not very interested in guns, but this experience is still cool.

And then we visit the Forensic science center.
the forensic staff teaches us some knowledge about fingerprint, bloodstain, DNA.
And she leads us to do some simple experiments about them.
I am surprised when I see my fingerprint show up on the little plastic bag after processing.

And we visit the detention room, it...... just a jail.

After that, we arrival traffic police department, they show a cruiser and a huge heavy motorbike, and we can also ride on the motorbike or get into the car.

I am so happy that I have this chance to visit the police department.

Oh, another thing.
I finally collect all the characters of Girls' Frontline.
Feels so good.





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