
日誌2019-07-01 14:56

re.discover -麗影.欣然-


鄧麗欣 - 中華冷麵
  如果有看過《伙頭智多星》(妙手小廚師) 或是《中華一番》
  要像當初的 F.I.R. 那樣玩《塔羅牌》之類的奇特風格,
  Experimental music fans 如我,連 Sleepthief 也能接受,這首不算什麼。
 鄧麗欣 - 冷靜
               [↑ 陪我去的人註定不會是我家那隻XD"]

Walter Stoffel @ BC Barney sheepdog World
Dogs and beer?! What does a beer fest have to do with a dog rescue? You’d be surprised. I think I’ve found a new target market for Lance: A Spirit Unbroken—beer drinkers that love dogs or, put another way, dog lovers that drink beer. Last Saturday, I drove two hours to offer my book at an event—the Kulpmont100 Beerfest.  Things didn’t start off on a positive note. I missed an exit early in my drive, absent-mindedly continuing on a road that takes me to my day job on weekdays. After getting back on the right track, I got stuck in a traffic jam. I showed up just minutes before the event began and rushed to get everything set up. A half-hour into the event, the skies began to darken. Then came strong winds quickly followed by torrents of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning. I had all to do to keep my tent from blowing away. I hunkered down underneath it, holding on for dear life to one of the tent poles. My coffee thermos got blown off my table and rolled away, never to be seen again. Custom bookmarks were soaked beyond repair. My flyers suddenly became “gone with the wind.” While I clung to my tent hoping that it would not be blown away (and me with it!), the attendees of this event remained safe and comfortable just yards away, protected by the huge roof of a pavilion. Sheltered from the downpour, they continued to do what they came there to            do—sample beer. As the storm carried on, the thought occurred to me: who got me into this mess? Why, Lance of course! No Lance would have meant no book which in turn would have meant no rained-on beer fest. I thought about all the times on our hikes I wound up stuck in foul weather—weather that never seemed to bother Lance. If he had been with me last Saturday, I’m sure he would’ve been having the time of his life. The rain contined to come down in sheets. I remained hunkered under my waterlogged tent, faced with having to pack up my goods and schlep to my car, all in the midst of a monsoon. Just when it looked as if the day was going to literally be a washout, the storm abated and the sun began asserting itself. I resurrected my tent and put what remained of my goods in order. I was back in business. People began leaving the pavilion and many of them headed toward me. That’s when things took a turn for the better. This would become the most unusual book signing I’ve ever participated in: One—A lady strolled up to my table and began petting the front cover of the book as if she was actually petting Lance. She did it in such dramatic fashion that it dawned on me she was under the influence. She bought a book and convinced her two friends, also a bit tipsy, to buy e-books on their phones. Two—Another lady came up to me and asked “Is this book going to make me cry?” That often is the kiss of death as I cannot in good conscience tell people that they won’t shed a tear or two reading Lance’s story. However, I held the book for her and asked her to read the next-to-last paragraph from the book blurb on the back cover (that’s where Lance’s quirkiness is described). She said she was not up to it and I wound up reading the paragraph to her. When I was done she said, “I’ve decided you are a kind soul.” She bought not one but two books. Three—Still another lady wobbled up to my table and announced, “I just lost my dog.” I replied, “I’m so sorry to hear that. When did it happen?” She responded, “Oh, about an hour ago I guess.” “How are you handling it?” I asked. She said, “Fine.” Her response was so blasé I wasn’t sure I had heard her correctly so I asked, “Your dog died?” You lost your dog?” “No!” she responded. “I lost my glass.” She was referring to the complimentary drinking glass attendees were given as they went from one beer vendor to the other. She had mistaken me for a beer crafter and approached me to get another glass.. When I explained to her what I was offering, she stumbled off to the tent next to me where her needs were met. For the record, no book purchase. For the first time in my life I found myself surrounded by some 200 people that were under the influence. Certainly, it was the first time in my life I was sober and found myself surrounded by some 200 people that were under the influence. All in all, a very surreal feeling. I left the beer fest a bit ahead of everybody else. I didn’t want to leave surrounded by a swarm of gas-fueled cars driven by alcohol-fueled drivers. Lance got me into a lot of unique situations while he was living; his spirit continues to “hound” me!






The fault in our star  -美中不足-

C AllStar -老調兒-

【轉】Supper Moment 親共?


開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】