
日誌2020-05-17 01:35




I have a big improvement today! First, I adapted my schedule. The part of speaking had taken too much time at last days, so I combined it with reading. When I repeated a old article then I spoke. I spoke two times and practice the new words. This process makes me more efficiently.

Second, I found that "making a picture in mind" still had disadvantage. When I was more familiar with these articles. This action would make me slow down. But the voice in my mind is still there sometimes. Therefore I used the way of "making a picture in mind" as a tool. When everything was fine, I tried my best to read at the fastest speed. If the "voice" showed off, I used it to help me stay focused.

Third, although I miss the listening practice in last two days. I have a obviously progress. Here is the score of today and two days ago:

Two Days ago
Correct    Correct after several times   False
26      18              17
Correct Rate:(26+18)/62

Correct    Correct after several times   False
46      18              11
Correct Rate:(46+18)/75

I'm glad for this, but I still need to get better. I also founded several strange pronunciation today.

1:13:57 It sounds like "she aba(噁爸)", but it is "she bought". Where the sound of [ʌ] comes from? the sound is so clear that I can't ignore it.

1:17:10  The pronunciation of "you've work" is so impress me. It become into the sound like"you vorked". The "ve" and "work" just remix.

1:20:00 "with a guy". The sound of "a" is sounds like "that". I think that maybe the man say "that" actually, but the translation make mistakes.

1:21:48 "I hope he'll be...". The pronunciation is so impressive. The women say "I ho-pill be.. " and the man say "I ho-piu be...". I find the native language people's pronunciation of  've is very different from what I thought.

That's it. Thanks for your reading and I'll continue to study hard.






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