
日誌2020-05-30 10:28

文章目錄& Kickstarter 募資攻略

作者:那隻哈士奇 ≧ω≦

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*WordCraft *Fit To Print *Unconscious Mind *Tabriz *A Simple Life
*The Fox Experiment *貓老闆的路邊攤 Sagrada: Artisans *Barrage *Trailblazers
*A War of Whispers *Oranienburger Kanal *Wayfarers of the South Tigris Rattus *Last Light
*Dead By Daylight *Age of Rome *Encyclopedia *Ryozen *Oak
*Tiwanaku *Hamlet *Small Samurai Empires *Ahau: Rulers of Yucatán *Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest
*Earth Bitoku 森靈之道 *百年對峙 *Chang’an *6:圍攻行動
*Yucatan Marvel Zombies *Hike! *帝都爭霸 *Trick Shot
*Gutenberg *The Palaces Of Carrara *Mindbug 巴西帝國 Boonlake
Whirling Witchcraft *Weather Machine *Steam Up *Hanamikoji: Geisha’s Road *Don’t Go In There
Keep the Heroes Out! *Verdant *ScandalOh! *Dog Park *Unsurmountable
*The Little Flower Shop Dice Game *Wild: Serengeti *The Gardens *Backyard Chickens *1-2-3 Cheese!
*Boba Mahjong *Pier 1 *Alpujarras *Corrosion *Dragonbond: Lords of Vaala
Flamecraft *小小鐵路帝國 *Excavation Earth: It Belongs in a Museum *Volfyirion Guilds *Spire’s End: Hildegard
*Oros *Super Fantasy Brawl *Tranquility: The Ascent *Distilled *Villagers
*First Ascent *Herrlof *Abandon All Artichokes Winterhaven Woods *Nobel Run
*Nidavellir Forests of Pangaia *Lost Ruins of Arnak *Keystone: North America *巴黎—美好年代
*Buru *Mosaic: A Story of Civilization *Chai: Tea for 2 The Witcher: Old World *Skyline Express
*ICE *Kiwi Chow Down *FLORENCE *Board Royale *Hidden Leaders
*It’s a Wonderful Kingdom *Cellulose *Marvel United: X-Men 魔物獵人世界 Canvas: Reflections
*Long Shot: The Dice Game *魯濱遜漂流記:詛咒島之謎 *Floriferous *Pagan: Fate of Roanoke
*Caper: Europe Everdell: Newleaf, Mistwood, and The Complete Collection *Tiny Turbo Cars *Night Market
Stroganov Block and Key 星露谷物語
Zombicide: Undead or Alive Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition Maquis Human Punishment: The Beginning
Cryptid Cafe Radlands *Carnegie Tinners’ Trail
Call of Madness Darwin’s Journey 史酷比、樂一通、少年悍將 GO!
Epic Seven Arise 第七史詩 OTTO Game Over 史酷比桌遊合輯 *Momiji *Ugly Gryphon Inn
Aqua Garden Creature Comforts Hibachi *Macaron P’achakuna
*Star Scrappers: Orbital *Grand Austria Hotel: Let’s Waltz! Sons of Faeriell *Townsfolk Tussle Feed the Kraken
*Endless Winter: Paleoamericans Kabuto Sumo Fairy Tale Files TacTiki Darkest Dungeon暗黑地牢
*Veiled Fate Project L *Fantastic Factories &擴充 *High Rise: The UltraPlastic Edition *Frostpunk: The Board Game
Crash Octopus Cartographers Heroes Herbaceous Lord of the Chords *Cascadia
Dungeon Fighter Cactus Town Dungeon Universalis *Apogee *Dinosaur Island: Rawr 'n Write
*Dinosaur Wolrd *Set a Watch: Sword of the Coin *Hogs of War: The Miniatures Game Thunderstone Quest: The Enemies Among Us Agropolis
Soulgivers The Thing Machina Arcana: To Eternity Return to Planet Apocalypse In Too Deep
The 7th Citadel Divine Harem Flourish Street Monster on Board
Plantopia Mercado de Lisboa

Steve Finn
Dining with Dracula

Glen More II: Highland Games Lunar Base 一夜終極狼人

Postcard Games Northgard: Uncharted Lands Endangered Lizard Wizard
Petrichor Quest Dollars to Donuts Roll Camera! The Night Cage
Spirits of the Forest Mantis Falls Relics of Rajavihara The Fuzzies Whale Riders、The Card Game
Catapult Kingdoms 抗爭-香港 2019 Rallyman: DIRT The Age of Atlantis Pitch&Plakks and Dino Dudes!
Eila and Something Shiny Roll Player Adventures Poo Pocalypse Shelfie Stacker Canopy
Overlord: A Boss Monster Adventure Fire Tower Domination Battle of the Bulge 1944 Black Swan
Vicious Wildfire Sherwood Bandits The Dead Eye Terraforming Mars Bristol 1350
Fantastic Lairs Dinosaur: 1944 The Emerald Flame Merchants of the Dark road Hellenica: Leaders & Legends
Mini Rogue The Whatnot Cabinet Urgency Chai 18DO-Dortmund
The Detective Society Stop the Train! Kemet: Blood And Sand Nemesis Lockdown Dawnshade: The Watchers Prophecy
I Am Death Now? Food Chain Island Bullet♥ Okko – Oni Hunters Tanto Cuore
Tiny Epic Pirates StrikeZone Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Railroad Ink Challenge HEL: The Last Saga
腹黑菓子店 森林守護者 Guards of Atlantis II *Pulp Invasion Plotalot
Rush M.D Euthia: Torment of Resurrection Sea of Legends Dodos Riding Dinos Good Puppers
Final Girl Victim: The Cursed Forest Tapeworm Resident Evil 3 Canvas

那隻哈士奇說桌遊給你聽 NatsuTalks
     01     02     03     04     05     06     07     08

玻璃鞋殺人事件 https://home.gamer.com.tw/artwork.php?sn=5140345
Arkham Horror TCG 試玩
卡坦島 試玩
瘟疫危機:熱區 遊戲試玩
桌遊與英文 https://hotsuki.net/boardgame-and-english/
德國埃森展 Essen Spiel Digital 2020 https://hotsuki.net/essen-spiel-digital-2020/





[達人專欄] 《靈魂圖騰》七十二候(穀雨二候)──拂羽


烏古爾的TRPG世界 臨時成立的團隊


開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】