
日誌2020-09-20 21:28

SHAAAAAARK Gura decoding


Let's look into this cute Shark's first stream.
As we can see, Gura is obviously hint her age in her born time.
At first Gura say her age is nine thousand and three hundred than sixty one, which is just hit  that 20's century born people will use as the expression of their born time.
9361 this number is not so old and not too young to be a vtb.
Luckily if she is 21's century's born girl, the way she coding may not so easy to decoding.
And after that she pick a new number 9927 which is match the inference.
So the thing is after 22 years old somebody like me may no longer care about the age of them self and maybe this mentation cause that she pause a bit before she design her born time.
But also, you can see what she say just before: "One's you pass around the 5k mark......things start to blur."  which is the strong evidence of this inference.
Interesting thing is the age she design will grew up every year and match her actual age.
Good to see this seiso shark (not at all) play like this.
I'm looking forward to her new stream now.






Hololive 貓



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