
日誌2008-11-09 21:38

EAN 國際條碼..你们都知道吗??(近來看看吧~對您有一點幫助)



最近世界各國對中國黑心食品, 確實達到恐懼的地步.但您知如何分辨台製或中製嗎?





* 000 – 019 U.S. and Canada
* 020 – 029 Restricted distribution (MO defined)
* 030 – 039 U.S. drugs (see U.S. National Drug Code)
* 040 – 049 Restricted distribution (MO defined)
* 050 – 059 coupons
* 060 – 099 U.S. and Canada

* 100 – 139 U.S. (reserved for later use)
* 200 – 299 Restricted distribution (MO defined)
* 300 – 379 France and Monaco
* 380 Bulgaria
* 383 Slovenia
* 385 Croatia
* 387 Bosnia and Herzegovina
* 400 – 440 Germany (440 code inherited from old East Germany on reunification, 1990)
* 450 – 459 Japan
* 460 – 469 Russia
* 470 Kyrgyzstan
* 471 Taiwan
* 474 Estonia
* 475 Latvia
* 476 Azerbaijan
* 477 Lithuania
* 478 Uzbekistan
* 479 Sri Lanka
* 480 Philippines
* 481 Belarus
* 482 Ukraine
* 484 Moldova
* 485 Armenia
* 486 Georgia
* 487 Kazakhstan
* 489 Hong Kong SAR
* 490 – 499 Japan
* 500 – 509 United Kingdom
* 520 Greece
* 528 Lebanon
* 529 Cyprus
* 530 Albania
* 531 FYR Macedonia
* 535 Malta
* 539 Republic of Ireland
* 540 – 549 Belgium and Luxembourg
* 560 Portugal
* 569 Iceland
* 570 – 579 Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland
* 590 Poland
* 594 Romania
* 599 Hungary
* 600 – 601 South Africa
* 603 Ghana
* 608 Bahrain
* 609 Mauritius
* 611 Morocco
* 613 Algeria
* 616 Kenya
* 618 Côte d'Ivoire
* 619 Tunisia
* 621 Syria
* 622 Egypt
* 624 Libya
* 625 Jordan
* 626 Iran
* 627 Kuwait
* 628 Saudi Arabia
* 629 United Arab Emirates
* 640 – 649 Finland
* 690 – 695 China, The People's Republic
* 700 – 709 Norway
* 729 Israel
* 730 – 739 Sweden
* 740 Guatemala
* 741 El Salvador
* 742 Honduras
* 743 Nicaragua
* 744 Costa Rica
* 745 Panama
* 746 Dominican Republic
* 750 Mexico
* 754 – 755 Canada
* 759 Venezuela
* 760 – 769 Switzerland and Liechtenstein
* 770 Colombia
* 773 Uruguay
* 775 Peru
* 777 Bolivia
* 779 Argentina
* 780 Chile
* 784 Paraguay
* 785 Peru
* 786 Ecuador
* 789 – 790 Brazil
* 800 – 839 Italy, San Marino and Vatican City
* 840 – 849 Spain and Andorra
* 850 Cuba
* 858 Slovakia
* 859 Czech Republic
* 860 Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo
* 865 Mongolia
* 867 North Korea
* 868 – 869 Turkey
* 870 – 879 Netherlands
* 880 South Korea
* 884 Cambodia
* 885 Thailand
* 888 Singapore
* 890 India
* 893 Vietnam
* 899 Indonesia
* 900 – 919 Austria
* 930 – 939 Australia
* 940 – 949 New Zealand
* 950 Head Office
* 955 Malaysia
* 958 Macau
* 977 Serial publications (ISSN)
* 978 – 979 Bookland (ISBN) – 979 formerly used for sheet music
* 980 Refund receipts
* 981 – 982 Common Currency Coupons
* 990 – 999 Coupons










開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】