
日誌2021-02-27 00:25

New York, New York.


Dear New York Time

I am from Taiwan.
I am handicapped.
I need help, as Taiwan government is persecuting me with state power.
I don't speak good English, so have this letter written for me.

An incident took place twelve years ago.
I have a relative who worked for a newspaper as an editor, and I worked as a Japanese translator for part time.
I talked Japanese that, I was a student of the Kuomintang (KMT) chief whip, and I have been disabled with autoimmunity.
I participated in a human subject research project under Dr. Tse Wen Chang of Novartis Pharma.
Dr. Chang was detained by Academia Sinica, Taiwan as a member responsible for developing new drugs.
According to Taiwan's ordinances, for a new drug to be available on the market, there should be 18 persons assigned. I was one of them.

Since then, Japan's press began to report about that development of new drug, which brought about Abe's administration's attention.
Taiwan's government has sent persons repeatedly to our house asking me to make publicity for it, without paying me anyting.
Prime minister Abe said he would develop new drugs too, expecting to introduce them in international market in five years.
After that, Japan received a Nobel Prize for its new drug PD-1.
That drug, luckily along with other drugs, helped older President Carter, who had suffered cancer of phase 4.
I thought it was a good thing and did not think much about other things.

But, meanwhile many things happened.
I exposed corruptions and loan sharks among Taiwan's policemen.
The mayor's team asked me about the corruptions of its police.
I did not want to commit perjury.
Taiwan's policemen asked thugs to beat me and imprisoned me below the corrupted former head of state Shui Bian Chen, who is under compassionate release.
They further threatened my mother, maliciously accused me and tried every means to bully me. They went so far as to force me to work among their Internet water army, who contributed to the Moritomo scandal in Japan, which involved Akagi and two Japanese officials committing suicide.

And then, sadly my father suffered cancer and was evicted by every major hospital in Taiwan.
Father had been crying, I did not know what to do, we became helpless and I turned to my relative at the press. But he said he could not help me, because my aunt was having major surgery.
So, I approached other newspapers and magazines, and became a public secret, a laughingstock among the press.
It was not until a journalist at the Hong Kong news media called and inquired about father's condition and whether if we needed help.
My father being a veteran, the government did nothing to help but gave a citation.
When he died, Congressman Ho and the secretary to the new Mayor Lu, showed up accompanied by others and a Chinese music band, at his funeral service.
Nobody has wanted to save him.
Then, Taiwan revoked my identity of disability and notified all medical centers as well as private clinics in island, to treat me at a SSSS level, bullying me.
For the last three years, wherever I go, they drove me away, leaving me in ulceration all over my body and bleeding.
Goernmental monitoring also watches the communications of my whole family, and limit us. It warns every bar association in Taiwan against counseling me, to the extent that no petitions would be composed.
Someone staged a traffic accident, knocking my mother unconscious, into paralysis.
Following that was the sudden death of my editor relative.
The state is not conscientious. It bullies me with its power and harms my family.
Without money, prestige or strenght, I don't get to the bottom of a mater. I am in the dark about the true picture.

My family and me need your help.
Please help us.

No.42, Ln.125, Daxing 11th St, Taiping Dist., Taichung City 411, Taiwan
(+886) 966 636190





【不定時日誌】關於《鋼彈SEED FREEDOM》4DX限定特典小說場次未到先發完的後續




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