
日誌2008-07-06 04:42

ED1, ED10 & ED 11


發言日期: 2008-07-04 09:50:23 字級設定:小中大

I clicked on the ad thing and got into the admin's blog, I clicked on the admin badge and ended up being here. :)

My typing is very slow. Please bear with me.

Today in bitefight.us,
I was hunting and checking the boards like always.
Got a few 70s~90s and some 100s.
It's my lucky day.:) I got one with 200 something and I can now upgrade my stats.

I'm playing this game called Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Or you people would call it 大亂鬥X.
It's on Wii. I can play most characters but I'm not pro at them. :(

I'm in America right now. Most people weren't online on my MSN.
Two days ago, my good friend Alice was finally on. :D
She was gone from the beginning of the Summer.
It turned out to be that she went to America too, but she couldn't get any internet access.

We talked about her friend, Andy, who she said was very perverted. He fell in love and changed completely. Love can do anything doesn't it.:P

She also told me about Andy's scary brother.
Alice asked him if he wants a hug, he replied, "No!!!F*** off!!!"
That's it for today. :)

Can someone please help me and correct my mistakes? Thanks

Glory to Jigglypuff,

======================================================發言日期: 2008-07-05 11:29:44 字級設定:小中大

※ 引述《Estelle4ever (湛澄)》之銘言:
> Nice to meet you. :)
> Your English is pretty good.
> Just a tiny typing mistake here:
> It's bear instead of bare.

I was never a good typer.(Actually it's a dumb mistake)
Thanks, fixed. ^ ^

Glory to the Triforce of Courage,


My hunting business isn't going very well recently.

I used to get a bunch of newbies with no gold while searching, so I had to use the highscore board.
Days ago, I've started getting those stronger people with gold, but they're mostly in a higher level.

I'm back to the no-gold days today.

What's wrong?

Alice hasn't been on for days. I wonder what she's doing...

I was testing a new technique for Link in SSBB.
Hope it'll work...

We went out to see the movie "Wall.E"

I love the little film before the actual movie, it's very funny.


How come there are so few people on this board?

I thought people want to learn English.

Glory to Riku,

發言日期: 2008-07-05 23:27:13 字級設定:小中大

※ 引述《Estelle4ever (湛澄)》之銘言:
> I guess most people don't even know that there's such a board.
> Promotion of this board in other more popular boards may be a useful way
> to draw newcomers, because that's exactly how I got to know about here.

Same here.

Maybe I will make a link on my signature, and hopefully more people will come.

We bought a Chinese flute and I couldn't even make a sound.
After going through internet, I can finally blow properly.
The problem is that I can't blow it correctly when all six holes are covered.
It sounds like someone poking an ostrich.
Does anyone know how to play?

I borrowed a few books from Orange County Public Library.
Give A Boy A Gun[Finished] - Todd Strasser(I've read one of his other books-Can't get there from here. He looks like a humanity teacher in 6'th grade)

Slam[Almost Done] - Nick Hornby(I don't really like this book, but it's ok)

Space Station Rat[Haven't Even Started Yet] - Michael J. Daley(I wasn't going to borrow this book, but mom told me to get four books so I randomly picked one)

The Dark Side Of Nowhere[Same As Above] - Neal Shusterman(I read the first page and felt like it's a book for me)

The master of the IC Clan, Devona, hasn't been online lately, hope she'll come back... We need a leader.

My friend Albert has to go to a cram school and he hates it.

Alice and Con still aren't online...:(

Glory to Mr. Cook,







【日誌】快把 靜流x璃乃 一次帶回家!


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