
日誌2023-03-26 07:01

Everyone Loves A Villain - Empty Mirrors(空虛之鏡) 中英歌詞


You're entitled, condescending 你有權,居高臨下
So self-righteous without ending 如此自以為是沒完沒了
Sitting, watching while consuming 坐著、望著一切耗盡
Pretending it’s just fine 假裝一切都好
Disillusioned by the noise 因噪音而幻滅
Thinking you still have a choice 認為你還有選擇
Always praying, never straying from the line 不斷祈禱,自己永不偏離路線

You stare at empty mirrors 你盯著空虛的鏡子
Looking for a sign 尋找著蹤跡
Nothing but reflections
Of the faults that left you blind 那無非是令你盲目犯錯的倒影
Calling for a savior 呼喚著救世主
To convince you it's alright 為了說服自己一切都好
Running from the consequence 逃避著後果
You're wasting precious time 你正在浪費珍貴的時間

There’s nowhere left to hide (Hide) 無處可藏(躲藏)
There's nowhere left to hide (Hide) 無處可藏(躲藏)
There's nowhere left to hide 無處可藏

So destructive, unrelenting 如此具有破壞性,不屈不撓
Slowly dying, you're descending 緩慢死去,你正在墜落
Waiting, hoping for an answer 等待著,希望得到答案
To make it out alive 為了繼續活著
Your deception left you cold 欺騙自己變得冷漠
Self-afflicted and alone 陷入自我折磨與孤獨
Stop pretending as you're fading towards the light 現在停止偽裝並走向光明吧

You stare at empty mirrors 你盯著空虛的鏡子
Looking for a sign 尋找著蹤跡
Nothing but reflections
Of the faults that left you blind 那無非是令你盲目犯錯的倒影
Calling for a savior 呼喚著救世主
To convince you it's alright 為了說服自己一切都好
Running from the consequence 逃避著後果
You're wasting precious time 你正在浪費珍貴的時間

There’s nowhere left to hide (Hide) 無處可藏(躲藏)
There's nowhere left to hide (Hide) 無處可藏(躲藏)
There's nowhere left to hide 無處可藏

You might also like 你可能還喜歡
Wasted Youth 虛度青春
Everyone Loves A Villain 人人都愛反派
Titans Fall 泰坦隕落
Everyone Loves A Villain 人人都愛反派
Eater of Worlds 世界吞噬者
Everyone Loves A Villain 人人都愛反派

(You're not who I thought you'd be
This perfect mess, a tragedy) 你不是我所想的那般,似這完美的混亂,悲劇
Your vanity is blinding you 虛榮心蒙蔽了你的雙眼
The darkest parts, they filter through 它們篩選了最黑暗的部分
There's no running away (There's no running away) 無處可逃
There's no running away (There's no running away) 無處可逃

You stare at empty mirrors 你盯著空虛的鏡子
Looking for a sign 尋找著蹤跡
Nothing but reflections
Of the faults that left you blind 那無非是令你盲目犯錯的倒影
Calling for a savior 呼喚著救世主
To convince you it's alright 為了說服自己一切都好
Running from the consequence 逃避著後果
You're wasting precious time 你正在浪費珍貴的時間

You stare at empty mirrors 你盯著空虛的鏡子
Looking for a sign 尋找著蹤跡
Nothing but reflections
Of the faults that left you blind 那無非是令你盲目犯錯的倒影
Calling for a savior 呼喚著救世主
To convince you it's alright 為了說服自己一切都好
Running from the consequence 逃避著後果
You're wasting precious time 你正在浪費珍貴的時間

There’s nowhere left to hide (Hide) 無處可藏(躲藏)
There's nowhere left to hide (Hide) 無處可藏(躲藏)
There's nowhere left to hide 無處可藏






【漫畫】カネコナオヤ-利用TS體質捉弄宅宅同學的潮潮同學 動搖的優勢



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