
日誌2024-01-15 22:38



                                                 Why Save Sentient Beings
Why does the Creator wish to save sentient beings? Because He loves all beings! Because He’s the one who has given life to all sentient beings.

When the cosmic realm came to the end times in the process of formation, stability, degeneration, and destruction, the Creator used 200 million years to create the Three Realms and arranged various forms and opportunities for sentient beings to be saved, while laying the foundation for human culture, thought, and conduct. He also used His divine body to resolve and eliminate the sins and karma of all beings! To save sentient beings, He has given all He has.

To help people meet the requirements by the divine at the onset of salvation during the end times, the Creator has, in the 200 million years, reincarnated in multiple bodies countless times to lay the foundation for mankind’s culture on Earth, safeguarding human morality. During the long, drawn-out passage of history, beings have reincarnated again and again, waiting for tens of millions of years; over time, the life and true body of the people on Earth (including various ethnicities) have mostly forged various kinships with the Creator, and, with these, the Creator loves His people even more. As the end times arrive, to better offer salvation, those beings who haven’t had such a kinship with the Creator cannot become humans here at this time, and at the moment, the true bodies of the world’s people are all His people. Even those gods in whom people have faith, the beings who incarnated into humans to teach the Fa and the Dao, are all His people. The purpose was for gods to use the human body to establish a divine culture for the Creator’s final salvation of the world’s people. The various righteous religions that have remained also have existed in order to sustain human morality, as people waited for the Creator’s final salvation. As far as the Creator is concerned, He has the right to bestow altruistic love upon His people, and His love is even greater for those He deems worthy. That is His entitlement, and no one has the right to interfere! That is His supreme grace for beings!

The Creator is the Lord of all gods in the cosmic realm, and He is the maker of the Lord of all lords, and the King of all kings. He commands all beings, including all humans, gods, and things in the Three Realms, which He has created. His love is the ultimate holy grace for sentient beings! It is the greatest honor for the world’s people to be loved by Him!

Master Li Hongzhi
April 17, 2023

原文出處 (Translation by Team Blue, updated April 19, 2023)









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