
日誌2024-08-29 20:03

【箱庭の世界】AI生成曲 - Sanu Elegia


版權聲明:由於我沒有買會員、這首歌版權屬於 Suno AI,且不得作為商用。
這樣應該就能避免吃版權炮... ...對吧?

聽說生成曲 很方便,
也就...挺好聽的 (注意音量)

p.s 兩首歌詞一樣,詞是我填的

拉丁文 英文翻譯
Hoc mare altum
Cor exspectavi
In tenebras amaras
Cor meum te exspectat
In this deep sea
My heart been waiting
In the bitter darkness
My heart will waiting thee
[Versus 2]
Vere, solus moratur taediosum
Umbrae noctis appropinquant
Ut omnia lux
Nolo lacrimas volo, sed tamen
Solitudo typum meum lacrimam
[Verse 2]
Truly, staying alone is boring
As shadows of night come near
As they engulf all light
I wish not to tears, but yet
Loneliness tracing my tear
Ut audias dolorem meum
implere cava
Sicut fluctus suos in litore
Sicut avis ad arborem
May you hear my sorrow
Can fill my hollow
As the waves crash their shore
As the bird back their tree
[Versus 3]
Stella nimis lucent et in alto silent
Cor beats nimis magna
Vis tandem venire?
Cantate nobis canticum novum
[Verse 3]
The Stella are too shine & silent on high
The heart beats were too loud
Would thee come at last
Sing a song for us
Cantare fluctus carmen
Sol subsidens in occasum
Occurrens fluctus eo modo
Etiamsi semper iterum separari
The waves sing a song
The sun sinking into the sunset
Meeting the wave in that way
Though always separated again
Volo te audi me saltem
Clamor ex insula maris
Cor exspectavi
Cor meum te exspectat
I want thee to hear me at least
My cry from island of deep sea
My heart been waiting
My heart will waiting thee









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