
日誌2010-10-01 16:08




《Press X to Jason》──歌詞發人深省,旋律動聽

The rain has stopped, 【雨停下
the sun came out, 太陽出來了
what a beautiful day to take my family out, 晴朗的一天帶著一家大小
to the mall. 到商場

Then we split up, 然後我們分頭行事
My wife takes Sean to get some shoes for his feet. 妻子帶Shaun去買鞋子
that's really sweet, 【他們真要好
but I got Jason 【但我有Jason

I got Jason, 我有Jason
Oh wait no, where did he go? 慢著,他跑哪去?
He was standing right here, 剛才明明站這裡
my wife is gonna kill me. 妻子將會把我殺掉

Jason, where did he go? Jason跑哪去?
ya got me searching high and low. 你讓我上上下下地尋找你
My heart is racin', 【我的心跳加速
Press X to Jason 【按叉找Jason

I'm walking around, 【我走來走去
then I see a clown, 【發現一個小丑
and next to him is my little boy, 【我的孩子在旁邊
so I bought him a toy. 【我給他買了個玩具

He's selling balloons. 【小丑在賣氣球
Jason wants a red one. 【Jason想要紅色的
So I shell out 2 single dollar bills, 【我翻出兩塊錢
then Jason runs for the hills. 【Jason卻逃之夭夭

My wife just spotted me, 【妻子發現了我
Then I tell her our son is gone, 【我告訴她我們的兒子見了
then I'm on the hunt again, 【然後我四處搜索
Press X to Jason. 【按叉找Jason

Jason, Press X to Jason. 【Jason,按叉找Jason
Press X to Jason. 【按叉找Jason
Jason, it's you that I'm chasin'. 【Jason,我尋找的是你
Press X to Jason. 【按叉找Jason
Press X to Jason. 【按叉找Jason
Press X to Jason. 【按叉找Jason

Suddenly there's a crowd in this mall, 【商場忽然人潮湧湧
I don't see Jason, he's so small. 【我看見Jason,他長太小了
Oh hey, I see a red balloon, 【噢,我看見紅色氣球
oh no, that's not my kid at all. 【啊,根本是我的孩子

Then I walk outside to see Jason crossing the street, 【我走到街上,看見Jason在過馬路
How could he have walked that far? 【他怎麼能走那麼遠?
Then Jason is killed by a car. 【然後,Jason被車撞死了。





【玩得很慢話又很多】98. Heavy Rain 暴雨殺機(劇情 pt 2.)

【玩得很慢話又很多】100. Beyond Two: Souls 超能殺機:兩個靈魂(下、劇透)

【玩得很慢話又很多】99. Beyond: Two Souls 超能殺機:兩個靈魂(上)


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