
日誌2008-12-22 05:45

The snow storm and NeoCitran


Just like the global economy, the weather in Vancouver has encountered the coldest winter in the last four decades. One snow storm after another, makes the temperature drops to -10 celcius. Although I've experienced weathers a lot more harsh than this (-40 celcius in the Feb of Ottawa), I've never seen it snowed so hard in this costal city ever in my life before.

....and just like my career, my body got sick a few days ago in this winter. It started with a sore throat then followed by body pain and fever. The only time I felt slightly better was when in the hot shower. I really hated being sick, but this was the only time I'd appreciate having a healthy body.

Luckily, I lived at home, so I asked my dad to buy me my favourite cold medicine, NeoCitran. I felt a lot better after the 4th pack. Wasn't it so effective yet tasty? XD Ok... I'm not trying to place an advertisement in my article. I rather call it the sharing of experience.

Having said that, I need something like the NeoCitran for my carrer, too. In the winter of the economy, only the ones, who have gathered enough protein in the past, can endure the season and sleep tight in their hibernation. I feel I'm one of the skinner animals, but whom am I going to blame but myself? I never mentioned to anybody I came across on the net, that I actually graduated from an engineering program of a reputable Canadian University... I will put a stop to the chain of thoughts here.

I promised Mr. Midnight to put up some snow scene pictures in my next entry, so I'd probably have to go out soon to take the pictures(?) If not I will just post some pictures taken out from the window and you'all will have to excuse me for my running nose and my laziness. ;)

To end this wonderful diary, I want to share a nice oldie with you. It's called, the Rose. I first heard this song in 宮崎駿's movie.

The Japanese vers.: 愛は花、君はその種子.

The English vers.:






Tea time



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