
日誌2010-06-04 22:23




In my opinion, most of what we so called "Doujinshi" are just a pile of shit, unfortunately. Nothing but cheap crap. Those books totally lack of story, even basic logic or morality. The only thing these artists of the books concern is how to make these fiction girls have sexual intercourse with male characters(what if there's no male role in origin comics? Just fucking create one! So there he comes, a man with no facial features. The oringnal background story? Eat shit and die!) So there's the problem, those doujinshis are full of echi scenes, with wonderful and lovely works maybe, but the plot... hun? Do they have it? God damned it! How dare you call that junk a story?

In the other hand, however, the quality of Yuri doujinshi is much better. I'm not saying that Yuri doujinshsis are absolutely better than normal doujinshis, but Yuri one is usually superior to normal one. The artists of Yuri doujinshi take more efforts to write a good story, describe the tiny changing of relationship between two charaters and all these make teh level of Yuri doujinshis higher. I guess that's a part of reason why I prefer Yuri. The good quality of story, my friends. Not just for echi, not just base on physiological needs to publish it.

Why should I care? After all, I can just ignore those fucking awful books. They can eat shit and die for all I care. Nevertheless, the thing really annoying me is the market mechanism doesn't work in this. The poor shit is all over the stores, yet the customers seem to get used to it. I believe most readers would reject the meaning of doujinshi is equal to porn books. But damn, let's just face the music! The only advantage in a book is not its plot, not its edification but its jucy echi scene, how can we announce, argue that it's not a porn book? We made this situation. We convince other people to ban doujinshi or get it under highly control. WE must take responsibility.





每日一字 initially adv. 最初;開頭




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