
日誌2012-04-04 18:08









退伍之後,賴於有自己收入的保障,從Hans Zimmer的神鬼戰士開始,電影配樂的收藏速度開始加快許多,至今大概已有150張專輯左右。買的配樂類型各式各樣都有,有歌舞劇類的歌劇魅影、瘋狂理髮師,有MV派的絕地任務、浴火赤子情,有前衛電子的火戰車、銀翼殺手。但至今影響我最深的仍是侏儸紀公園,也讓我至今最愛的電影配樂仍是純管弦,尤其是大氣勢的類型,而我的電影配樂收藏數量最多的仍是John Williams的作品。

每次提到侏儸紀公園就會忍不住話當年,該是寫正題了。鮮明的主題向來就是John Williams的標記,只要是John Williams經手的配樂幾乎都能找到一個朗朗上口的旋律,而且這個旋律簡單到一輩子都不可能忘掉,這就是John Williams的神奇魔力。

看過侏儸紀公園一定不可能忘記這個經典旋律,02. Theme from Jurassic Park

還有,John Williams一直是我覺得用配樂敘述劇情最厲害的音樂家之一,他總是有辦法用音符和樂器營造出完全不輸給畫面表現的想像力,因此John Williams的動作配樂永遠是讓我最喜愛的一個段落。

15. T-Rex Rescue and Finale,這段配樂從廚房的迅猛龍追逐末段開始,接續控制中心的迅猛龍推門和莉絲重新啟動公園和鎖上門的安全鎖,再來是迅猛龍破門而入,葛蘭一行人爬上通風管道進入遊客中心大廳,再度被迅猛龍追上並被前後包夾,最後由暴龍闖入遊客中心拯救了葛蘭一行人,到葛蘭一行人跳上哈蒙德開來的吉普車逃之夭夭。全長7:40的曲目,將每一個劇情段落區分的鮮明立體且緊抓著聽眾的心思,可說是集驚悚、追逐、動作於一身的完美演繹作品。

讓音符緊貼著劇情發展來演出,且同時又能兼顧音樂自身的獨立欣賞價值,這等功力在當今電影配樂界實在沒幾個人能像John Williams這般厲害,而且John Williams還不是偶而為之,而是大多數作品都能有如此驚人的表現,也難怪奧斯卡評審這麼青睞他,截自目前為止John Williams已提名奧斯卡47次,並獲得五座小金人。



01. Opening Titles [0:33]
02. Theme from Jurassic Park [3:28]
03. Incident at Isla Nublar [5:20]
04. Journey to the Island [8:53]
05. The Raptor Attack [2:49]
06. Hatching Baby Raptor [3:20]
07. Welcome to Jurassic Park [7:55]
08. My Friend, the Brachiosaurus [4:16]
09. Dennis Steals the Embryo [4:56]
10. A Tree for My Bed [2:12]
11. High-Wire Stunts [4:09]
12. Remembering Petticoat Lane [2:48]
13. Jurassic Park Gate [2:04]
14. Eye to Eye [6:32]
15. T-Rex Rescue and Finale [7:40]
16. End Credits [3:29]

John Williams的商業版和James Horner的編排方式類似,都是會將曲目整理的比較完整,讓每一個曲目都有足夠的時間來演奏,總曲目數量都控制在20曲上下,不至於讓整張專輯聽來太過零碎,這是John Williams的商業版最大的好處。這張商業版的缺點就是曲目並不完全按照電影順序擺放,只是單純以專輯適合聆聽的方式安排,對於想藉由配樂照順序回顧整部電影的人來說會比較失望一點。

侏儸紀公園完整版一,The Towner Records Complete Score Vol. 1


01. Opening Titles (0:32)
02. Incident At Isla Nublar** (2:23)
03. Mining For Amber And Bones* (1:12)
04. Hammond's Proposition* (0:48)
05. Journey To The Island (8:52)
06. Mr. DNA* (no dialogue) (2:29)
07. A Dinosaur Is Born (1:56)
08. 'You've Bred Raptors!'* (0:30)
09. Timmy & Lex Meet Alan Grant* (1:27)
10. Jurassic Park Gate (2:03)
11. The Triceratops (2:28)
12. Storm Clouds* (1:19)
13. Dennis Steals The Embryo (4:56)
14. Eye To Eye (not used in the film) (2:22)
15. Between A Truck and A Long Fall (1:09)
16. 'Bring Back My Grandchildren!'* (1:11)
17. Finding Dr. Malcolm (1:17)
18. The Great T-Rex Chase* (1:36)
19. A Tree For My Bed (2:12)
20. Remembering Petticoat Lane (2:48)
21. My Friend, The Brachiosaurus (1:48)
22. Life Found A Way (1:22)
23. System Ready* (0:48)
24. Muldoon And Ellie To The Potter Shed (4:09)
25. High Wire Stunts (4:04)
26. Raptors In The Shed* (Unreleased/Unused Version) (0:55)
27. Clever Girl** (1:10)
28. The Raptor Attack (Album Version, Edited in the Film) (2:49)
29. The T-Rex Rescue And Finale (7:39)
30. Looking Back (0:34)
31. Leaving The Island & End Credits (6:41)

* previously unreleased (incl. sound effects)
** contains previously unreleased music

Promotional Recording by Towner Records/CrusherPromos


侏儸紀公園完整版二,The Complete Score


CD 1 (73:56) — Film Edit

01) Opening Titles — 0:30
02) Incident at Isla Nublar — 2:21
03) Mining for Bones & Amber — 1:12
04) Hammonds Proposition — 0:46
05) Que Milagros Chaparrita — 2:04
06) Journey to the Island — 8:57
07) Mr. DNA — 2:32
08) Hatching Baby Raptors — 2:00
09) You've Bred Raptors — 0:31
10) Timmy & Lex — 1:29
11) Jurassic Park Gate — 2:03
12) Sick Triceratops — 1:57
13) Storm Clouds — 1:19
14) Dennis Steals the Embryos — 4:58
15) Bring Back My Grandchildren — 1:10
16) Between a Truck and a Long Fall — 1:02
17) Finding Dr. Malcolm (Intro to–) — 2:00
18) The Great T-Rex Chase — 1:11
19) A Tree For my Bed — 2:12
20) Remembering Petticoat Lane - My Friend the Brachiosaurus — 4:27
21) Broken Eggshells — 1:20
22) System Ready — 0:43
23) To the Shed — 4:09
24) High Wire Stunts — 3:05
25) Raptors in the Shed — 0:57
26) Clever Girl — 1:08
27) Raptors in the Kitchen — 2:00
28) Frozen Raptor - Control Room — 4:11
29) T-Rex Rescue and Finale — 3:30
30) Looking Back and End Credits — 7:57

CD 2 (39:25)

01) Jurassic Park Theme (Concert Version) — 5:28
02) Jurassic Park Teaser Trailer — 1:35
03) Jurassic Park Trailer Music I — 2:41
04) Jurassic Park Trailer Music II — 1:14
05) Brachiosaurus (SFX) — 1:45
06) Parasaurolophus (SFX) — 0:14
07) Velociraptors (SFX) — 2:20
08) Triceratops (SFX) — 0:14
09) Dilophosaurs (SFX) — 0:52
10) Gallimimus (SFX) — 0:39
11) Tyrannosaurs Rex (SFX) — 2:32
12) Jurassic Park Theme (40 Years) — 6:05
13) My Friend the Brachiosaurus (Concert Version) — 4:39
14) Burn it All - Hans Zimmer (Backdraft) — 5:16
15) Jurassic Park Overture (Hollywood Fantasy) — 5:49
16) Jurassic Park: The Ride — 2:38
17) Jurassic Ambiance I — 0:40
18) Jurassic Ambiance II — 0:20
19) Jurassic Ambiance III — 0:52
20) The Dinosaurs (Alternate) — 3:30

CD 3 (77:31)

01) Opening Titles — 0:37
02) The Island Incident — 2:21
03) The Encased Mosquito — 1:12
04) The Entrance of Mr. Hammond — 1:00
05) To the Island — 3:17
06) Intro To — 1:21
07) The Dinosaurs — 3:13
08) The Entrance to the Park — 1:20
09) Cartoon Display — 2:32
10) Hatching Baby Raptors — 2:00
11) You've Bred Raptors — 0:31
12) The History Lesson — 1:29
13) Jurassic Park Gate — 2:03
14) Goat Bait — 2:22
15) An Ailing Monster — 2:34
16) The Storm is Coming — 1:19
17) Dennis Steals the Embryos — 4:58
18) The Trouble with Dennis — 1:10
19) The Falling Car — 3:06
20) The T-Rex Chase — 1:34
21) A Tree for my Bed — 2:12
22) Remembering Petticoat Lane — 2:48
23) My Friend the Brachiosaurus — 1:48
24) Eggs in the Forest — 1:22
25) System Ready — 0:43
26) Preparing to Meet the Monster — 4:11
27) High Wire Stunts — 2:49
28) Hungry Raptor — 4:11
29) Into the Kitchen — 2:49
30) March Past the Kitchen Utensils — 4:11
31) T-Rex to the Rescue — 3:30
32) End Credits Part I — 4:32
33) End Credits Part II — 3:24

Jurassic Park: The Complete Score 3 Disk Set
Edited by BrachioInGen/GoodMusician


CD 1 is a complete film edit of the score as heard within the film with all edits and tracked music.

CD 2 is a supplemental disk containing all kinds of extras from concert arrangements of themes from the film, dinosaur sound library, and original trailer audio/music.

CD 3 presents the score as complete as possible. This preserves the scores clean intros and endings as it had been recorded along with original title names and slate numbers.

這張是目前能取得的最好的侏儸紀公園專輯,不僅有完整無音效的配樂,還有大量的相關檔案,像是預告片配樂、恐龍音效聲等。雖然Wiki上有列出一張完整的官方曲目列表,但這張專輯從來就沒有見過,或許某天La-La Land真的會推出官方的完整版也說不一定。

Wiki Jurassic Park Film Score


01. The Lost World (3:33)
02. The Island Prologue (5:03)
03. Malcolm's Journey (5:44)
04. The Hunt (3:30)
05. The Trek (5:23)
06. Finding Camp Jurassic (3:03)
07. Rescuing Sarah (4:01)
08. Hammond's Plan (4:30)
09. The Raptors Appear (3:43)
10. The Compys Dine (5:07)
11. The Stegosaurus (5:20)
12. Ludlow's Demise (4:27)
13. Visitor in San Diego (7:37)
14. Finale and Jurassic Park Theme (7:54)


01. The Lost World,序曲完全推翻經典的Jurassic Park Theme,完全沒有一絲相同的感覺,這個序曲相信讓很多人失望,但在多年以後,我才瞭解為什麼配樂和電影並沒有延續前作。

因為導演並沒有把失落的世界當作續集來看待,失落的世界是一個發生在侏儸紀公園世界觀之下的另一個故事,因此從創作角度上來看,失落的世界是完全獨立的作品,就像法櫃奇兵三部曲那樣,各自獨立成章並且互不隸屬、互不相承。所以,John Williams也理所當然地從新創作品的方向來思考失落的世界的音樂風格。


07. Rescuing Sarah,這段配樂就是描述兩隻暴龍圍攻拖車的場面,非常過癮的音樂。

09. The Raptors Appear,這段配樂是描述狩獵隊伍闖進了迅猛龍的領地遭到圍攻的場面,配樂完全從迅猛龍的角度來寫,就像在敘述一場驚人的狩獵展開,只是獵人是迅猛龍,獵物是人類。

13. Visitor in San Diego,這段配樂是描述暴龍逛大街的場景,從貨輪撞進港口開始,以懸疑鋪陳貨輪上的怪事,然後在2:13出現的鼓聲宣告了暴龍掙脫束縛,闖進了聖地牙哥的市區。這段長達7:37的配樂與侏儸紀公園的T-Rex Rescue and Finale正好是一個非常棒的對比,都是富有追逐、驚悚、動作性質的配樂,但卻是完全迥異的風格,一個是從人類方面來描寫的,一個是從暴龍方面來描寫的。

14. Finale and Jurassic Park Theme,在送走暴龍之後,最後在End Credits才響起Jurassic Park Theme,提醒觀眾這是一部同屬於相同世界觀之下的作品。

失落的世界完整版一,The Towner Records Complete Score Vol.2 & 3


CD 1: 71:01

01. Jurassic Park Theme (3:26)
02. The Island Prolouge (3:32)
03. Hammonds Plan (2:09)
04. Malcom's Journey (3:36)
05. The Stegosaurus (5:18)
06. The Stowaway * (1:00)
07. The Arrival of Team B* (1:49)
08. The Hunt # (3:28)
09. The Capture/Roland Tembo's Hunt* (1:06)
10. The Backup Plan: Sabotage* (2:19)
11. The Rampage** (1:21)
12. The Infant T-Rex and The High Hide* (1:09)
13. Walking On Broken Glass* (4:01)
14. Rescuing Sarah (Expanded Version)** (5:04)
15. 'Velociraptors...' (1:23)
16. The Trek # (5:22)
17. Death & Dieter Stark (1:34)
18. The Compys Dine (5:06)
19. Uninvited Guest #** (3:19)
20. Crashing The Sleepover** (2:15)
21. The Pack Hunters In The Long Grass (2:24)
22. Finding Camp Jurassic (3:01)
23. The Raptor Attack B* (3:41)
24. The Raptor Attack C* (1:23)
25. The Helicopter A (Film version, Tracked & Looped Theme) (1:16)
26. Attack (0:59)

CD 2: 72:47

01. The Lost World Theme (Album Version) (3:33)
02. The Helicopter B* (0:20)
03. Tembo's Goodbye (2:10)
04. The Ludlow Affair* (2:04)
05. 'Now You're Hammond'** (2:22)
06. Visitor In San Diego (10:21)
07. Ludlow's Demise # (12:40)
08. Finale & End Credits (AIbum Version) (4:41)
09.-22. Jurassic Park Bonus Cues/JP Trailer/Concert Re-Recordings (34:15)

* Previously Unreleased (incl. sound effects)
** Contains Previously Unreleased Music (incl. sound effects)
# Contains Music not used in the Film

Promotional Recording by Towner Records/CrusherPromos

這張和侏儸紀公園完整版一是同一套的,同樣帶有音效。電影配樂算到CD2的Track 09,之後的都是附錄音樂、預告配樂等。


CD 1

01. Theme from Jurassic Park
02. The Lost World theme
03. The island prologue
04. Hammond's plan
05. Malcom's journey
06. The stegosaurus
07. The stowaway
08. The arrival of team B
09. The hunt
10. The capture & Roland Lembo's hunt
11. The backup plan & Sabotage
12. The rampage
13. The infant T-Rex and the high hide
14. Walking on broken glass
15. Rescuing Sarah (expanded version)
16. ''Velociraptors...''
17. The trek
18. Death and Dieter Stark
19. The compys dine
20. Uninvited guest
21. Crashing the aleepover
22. The pack hunters in the long grass
23. Finding camp jurassic
24. The raptors appear
25. The raptor attack B
26. The raptor attack C
27. The helicopter A
28. The Lost World theme (JW-LSO, 1998)

CD 2

01. The Lost World theme (album version)
02. The helicopter B
03. Tembo's Goodbye
04. The Ludlow affair
05. ''Now Yyou're Hammond''
06. Visitor in San Diego & Ludlow's demise
07. Finale & End cCredits (album version)
08. Finale & End credits (film expansion)
09. JP theme (Kunzel-CPO)
10. TLW theme (Kunzel-CPO)
11. My friend the brachiosaurus
12. Jurassic Park medley
13. Jurassic Park (theatrical trailer)
14. The Lost World (theatrical trailer)
15. Jurassic Park 3 (advance teaser)
16. Dinosaur SFX Library #1
17. Dinosaur SFX Library #2
18. Dinosaur SFX Library #3
19. Dinosaur SFX Library #4
20. Dinosaur SFX Library #5
21. Dinosaur SFX Library #6
22. The theme from Jurassic Park
23. JP theme (JW & BPO)

這張專輯也帶有大量音效和對白,配樂收錄的相當完整,CD2後面還附錄了很多很有趣的曲目,除了恐龍音效之外,還有Erich Kunzel指揮辛辛那提大眾管絃樂團演出的曲目,演出風格與John Williams版本不一樣,很推薦一聽。

The Lost World: Jurassic Park ♫ Jurassic Park Theme [Kunzel-CPO]


Disc 1

01 Universal Logo
02 Island Prologue
03 Exploring the Beach
04 Lost World Found
05 Hammonds Plan
06 Malcolms Journey
07 The Stegosaurs
08 Cant Not Touch
09 Protecting Their Baby
10 Stowaway Revealed
11 Team B Arrives
12 The Hunt (Unused)
13 The Fallen.mp3
14 Team B Basecamp
15 Rampage (Unused)
16 The Baby Rex
17 Someplace High
18 Saving Sarah
19 Eddie Delivers
20 Attack on the Trailer (Fin)
21 Velociraptors
22 The Trek (Unused)
23 The Compys Appear
24 Deiters Demise
25 Surrounded
26 Compys Dine
27 What They Didnt Like (Film)
28 Crashing The Sleepover (Film)
29 Don't Move
30 The Long Grass
31 Finding Camp Jurassic

Disc 2

01 The Raptors Appear
02 Raptor Attack I
03 Raptor Attack II
04 Raptor Attack III (Partial)
05 Saved
06 Company of Death
07 S S Venture
08 The King Arrives
09 Secure Facility
10 Benjamins Nightlight
11 Taking the Kid
12 Follow the Screams
13 Ludlows Demise
14 Finale
15 Theme From Jurassic Park
16 End Credits
17 Theme From The Lost World (Album)
18 The Hunt (Percussion)
19 The Lost World Teaser Trailer
20 The Lost World Trailer
21 Beethoven Pathetique (Source)
22 Mozart Sonata in A minor (source)
23 Compsognathus (SFX)
24 Stegosaurus (SFX)
25 Parasaurolophus (SFX)
26 Pachysepholosaurus (SFX)
27 Gallimimus (SFX)
28 Triceratops (SFX)
29 Tyrannosaurs Rex (SFX)
30 Velociraptor (SFX)
31 What They Didn't Like (Alternate)
32 Crashing the Sleepover (Alternate)
33 Theme from The Lost World (Alternate Orchestration)



Disc 1 (64:58)

01) Universal Logo — 0:24
02) Island Prologue and Lost World Found — 3:29
03) Hammond's Plan — 2:09
04) The Mission Begins — 3:29
05) The Stegosaurus — 2:17
06) Protecting Their Babies — 2:26
07) Stowaway Revealed — 1:00
08) Team B Arrives — 5:04
09) The Fallen — 1:03
10) Rampage — 3:40
11) Someplace High — 1:05
12) The Trailer Scene — 9:09
13) Movable Feast — 3:38
14) The Compies Appear — 0:41
15) Surrounded — 1:35
16) What they Didn't Like — 3:48
17) Don't Move — 4:38
18) The Long Grass — 4:54
19) Raptors Appear — 3:27
20) Raptor Attack I — 1:20
21) Raptor Attack II — 0:59
22) Raptor Attack III — 1:11
23) Saved — 0:19
24) S. S.Venture — 3:03

Disc 2 (78:03)

01) The King Arrives — 2:18
02) Taking the Kid — 3:05
03) Unlucky Bastard - Jumping Ship — 3:46
04) Ludlows Demise — 1:42
05) The End Credits — 9:31
06) Theme from The Lost World — 3:33
07) Team B Arrives (IOA) — 2:15
08) The Hunt (Unused Alternate - IOA) —2:15
09) The Hunt (Unused) — 3:30
10) The Hunt (Percussion - IOA) — 2:53
11) Team B Basecamp (IOA) — 4:13
12) Eddie Delivers (IOA) — 2:13
13) The Trek (Album Alternate) — 5:23
14) The Compies Dine (Album) — 5:07
15) Saved (Alternate) — 2:10
16) S. S. Venture Arrives (IOA) — 2:02
17) Visitor in San Diego (Album) — 7:37
18) Ludlows Demise (Alternate) — 2:52
19) Finale and End Credits (Album) — 7:54
20) Theme from The Lost World (Alt Intro) — 3:30



Wiki The Lost World Film Score


01. Isla Sorna Sailing Situation - [4:32]
02. The Dinosaur Fly-By - [2:15]
03. Cooper's Last Stand - [2:01]
04. The Raptor Room - [2:35]
05. Raptor Repartee - [3:06]
06. Tree People - [2:04]
07. Pteranodon Habitat - [3:04]
08. Tiny Pecking Pteranodons - [3:38]
09. Billy Oblivion - [2:51]
10. Brachiosaurus On The Bank - [2:07]
11. Nash Calling - [3:38]
12. Bone Man Ben - [7:20]
13. Frenzy Fuselage - [4:01]
14. Clash Of Extinction - [1:42]
15. The Hat Returns/End Credits - [5:10]
16. Big Hat, No Cattle - [4:26]

第三集由Don Davis接手,整體音樂風格回到第一集的質感,時不時都透露出Jurassic Park Theme的音符,從這方面來說,第三集更像個續集。

不過,Don Davis處理John Williams的作品似乎沒這麼得心應手,處處都感到一種要John Williams不John Williams的感覺,而自己新創的作品又不夠鮮明,卡在一種既不是John Williams也不是Don Davis的感覺之間。

相比之下,接手同為John Williams創造的偉大作品Superman的John Ottman就顯得自在許多,極大化的重現與再利用John Williams的作品,並且將自己新創作品融入其中的相當完美,Superman Returns呈現出來的感覺就是非常地John Williams,讓人懷疑John Ottman是不是John Williams上身了。

03. Cooper's Last Stand,科比一行人在島上首次遭到棘龍的攻擊,並且導致飛機墜毀。

15. The Hat Returns/End Credits,改編版的Jurassic Park Theme作為End Credits。改編版的Jurassic Park Theme片段旋律在第三集的配樂中四處可見。


01 Isla Sorna Sailing Situation - [4:22]
02 Alan and Ellie - [1:42]
03 Udesky, Nash and Cooper - [2:28]
04 Montana (Unused) - [1:17]
05 Alan Goes - [1:54]
06 Dinosaur Fly-By - [2:12]
07 Cooper's Last Stand - [2:45]
08 Frenzy Fuselage - [3:59]
09 Clash of Extinction (Unused) - [1:40]
10 Kirby Paint and Tile Plus - [4:06]
11 Bone Man Ben - [3:38]
12 Raptor Eggs - [2:52]
13 The Raptor Room - [2:33]
14 The Raptor Repartee - [3:26]
15 Eric Saves Alan - [1:47]
16 Tree People - [2:01]
17 Nash Calling - [3:36]
18 Party Crasher - [3:17]
19 Pteranodon Habitat - [3:01]
20 Tiny Pecking Pteranodons - [3:23]
21 Billy Oblivions - [2:49]
22 Brachiosaurus On the Bank - [2:07]
23 Reaching For Glory - [2:31]
24 Underwater Attack - [2:11]
25 Spinosaurus Confrontation - [3:02]
26 River Reminiscence - [1:08]
27 Ambush and Rescue - [3:40]
28 The Hat Returns/ End Credits (Album) - [5:22]

這張Promo版根據Wiki上所寫的,是Don Davis自製來送給朋友的,裡面包含了幾乎是整部電影所使用的配樂。



01 Isla SornaSailing Situation
02 TheyWere Smart
03 A Walk In The Park
04 ResonatingChamber
05 AlanGoes
06 DinosaurFly By
07 WhatsA BadIdea
08 CoopersLast Stand
09 We Havn't LandedYet
10 FrenzyFuselage
11 ClashOf Extinction(Unused)
12 TheKirbys Story
13 BoneMan Ben
14 RaptorEggs
15 TheRaptor Room
16 TheRaptor Repartee
17 EricSaves Alan
18 TreePeople
19 Nash Calling
20 PartyCrasher
21 PteranodonNabitat
22 TinyPecking Pteronodons       

01 BillyOblivion
02 BrachiosaurusOn TheBank
03 ReachingFor Glory
04 UnderwaterAttack
05 SpinosaurusConfrontation
06 RiverReminiscence
07 AmbushAnd Rescue
08 TheHat Returns/End Credits
09 BigHat No Cattle
10 JP3 Trailer Music1
11 JP3 Trailer Music2
12 JP3 Trailer Music3
13 TheDig Site(Unused Music)
14 AlanGoes (AlternateFilm Ending)
15 DinosaurFly By(Film Edit)
16 Coopers Last Stand (Film Version)
17 Frenzy Fuselage (Film Mix)
18 Raptor Room (Film Choir Version)
19 Pteranodon Habitat (Film Edit)
20 Underwater Attack (Film Mix)
21 Spinosaurus Confrontation (Film Mix)
22 Ambush- Rescue (Film Mix)
23 End Credits Suite (Film Alternate)

這張完整版相當不錯,沒有音效或對白混入,缺點在於我實在找不到音質更好的版本了,目前最多只能找到MP3 128kbps而已。


Wiki Jurassic Park III Film Score

最後推薦一個網站The John Williams Collection,這個網站專門介紹John Williams的作品,除了電影配樂之外,還有許多個人作品專輯、演奏會作品等等,而其中最重要的當屬可能是已知最詳盡列出所有的Bootleg Version電影配樂。

從1960年到2011年,所有的作品都有列出,光是看到這麼驚人、龐大的收藏就足夠讓人羨慕萬分了。當然,這個網站是沒有提供任何資源下載的,但絕對是John Williams的Fans最大的藏寶圖。不過,不保證一定能找到,因為我已經試過了。






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