
日誌2013-03-21 12:13

[情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話-2


作者ChesterB (很難想)看板KingofPop
標題Re: [情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話
時間Tue Sep 14 09:58:32 2010
以下講到他為MJ畫過的畫 和背後的故事 可以搭配原文連結的畫
他說很多都是他們一起合作畫的 MJ有很多創意和點子
特別是很多畫作中 很多小孩子 而MJ是類似耶穌的形像
Martin Bashir的紀錄片中 更是刻意想要做這樣的暗示
大衛說:Martin Bashir是個混帳 他勸過MJ不要做那個訪問 但MJ被Bashir說服說他會做像黛安娜王妃那樣的紀錄片Heal the world的標誌就是大衛畫的 而他們也講到像Field of the dreams是畫了各種族的小朋友 做各種調皮搗蛋的事 但都 很純真 其中有一個小男生偷喵小女生的裙子底下 就是MJ的點子 小朋友就是會做這種事 而大衛常接到媒體電話 甚至出價兩萬五千美金 想知道畫中的小孩是誰 來抹黑MJ 但我們根本講不出名字 因為畫中的人都不是真實存在的

That wasn’t the only surprise. Most of Nordahl’s paintings (usually at Michael’s insistence) are filled with such little surprises and secrets. For instance, while showing us several of the paintings during his Q&A slide show, he would tell us to look closely to see if we could pick out Elizabeth Taylor, or Fred Astaire, or Macauley Culkin, or any number of other hidden friends and celebrities. You would be surprised at some of the places they pop up in David’s paintings,if you look closely and know what to look for!  Michael, he said, loved the idea of having “hidden surprises” in the
paintings, and would often make a game of it with the kids who came to Neverland, asking if they could find this or that hidden thing or person in the paintings.
他說他的畫作中 通常在麥可的堅持下 總是藏有很多小驚喜和秘密 像是如果你仔細看你會看到畫中有伊莉莎白泰勒 有Fred Astaire或有麥考力克金 或是其他名人你會很驚訝他們藏在畫的哪裡 麥可很喜歡這種藏驚喜的點子 他很喜歡跟來夢幻莊園孩子們玩的一個遊戲就是問他們有沒有找到畫裡藏的人

“Sometimes Michael would tell me where he wanted the hidden surprises to go, ” David said. “But then sometimes we would hide them so well, that even we would forget where we had hidden them.”
有很多時候麥可會告訴他驚喜要藏哪裡 有時後藏太好害他們自己到最後都忘了到底藏哪去了 XDD

I also asked him about Camelot, the painting he did for Michael and Lisa. I was aware that working on the piece had given him a rare opportunity to glimpse what their actual relationship was like. “Oh yeah. I spent two weeks with them.”
問到他為MJ和Lisa畫的畫 和他對MJ和Lisa關係的看法 他說他跟他們相處了兩個禮拜

“So what were they like together?”

“Absolutely fabulous. Just a lovely couple.”
答: 很棒 他們就是很登對的夫妻

“So based on your observations, you do think they were really in love?”
問:所以你的觀察 他們是真的相愛

“Not a doubt. They were beautiful together. It broke my heart when they divorced.”
答: 毫無疑問 他們在一起時好級了 當他們離婚時 我的心都碎了
但他也說到他認為這段婚姻沒持續下去 是因為Lisa已經有兩個小孩 而不願意再生了

In the meantime, Camelot was left unfinished. “Michael wasn’t happy with the castle. He wanted it to be more fanciful.”
所以這幅畫未能完成 麥可一直覺得對那個城堡不是很滿意 他覺得不夠夢幻

Before Nordahl could deliver on making the castle “more fanciful,” the fairy tale was over. “It just made me so sad that they broke up.”
在他把城堡畫的更夢幻之前 他們就離婚了 他覺得太難過了







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