
日誌2013-04-08 01:51

[情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話-3


作者ChesterB (很難想)看板KingofPop

標題Re: [情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話

時間Tue Sep 14 10:42:28 2010


他同時也和MJ設計了很多夢幻莊園的項目 夢幻莊園永遠是呈現為完工狀態 MJ原本還有對夢幻莊園有很多設計 像是要蓋水上樂園 會有個巨大的瀑布等

“He never stopped trying to make it into a better place for the sick children who came there,” David said, noting that his plans even included Jumbotrons that would show cartoons non-stop, all through the night, for the sick children who couldn’t sleep. “Michael understood that for a sick child, it’s not easy to sleep at night. He wanted them to have cartoons playing so that when they woke up in pain, and couldn’t sleep, they would have something to watch. He was always thinking of those kids, and how to make things better for them.”

他從來不曾停下來 他總是想要把那變的更好的環境來給那些來參觀的生病孩童 事實上他們還計畫要有個巨大屏幕來無間斷的整夜播放卡通 這是為了那些生病晚上無法入睡的 孩子 麥可了解很多生病的小孩晚上很難睡著 他想要他們如果晚上因為疼痛醒來 可以有一些東西可以看 他永遠都想著那些孩子們 怎樣才能為他們做更多事 Q Q

Nothing was done cheaply at Neverland. Even the horses on the carousel were designed to be a unique experience for every child or person who rode them. “Each horse had its own poem inscripted on it.”

在夢幻莊園 沒有東西是隨便亂做的 就算是旋轉木馬每匹馬都有自己的名字 還有獨特的詩刻在上面 所以乘坐它的人能有獨特的經驗


Michael did not actually pose for most of the paintings. Instead, David usually painted from a photograph. But it was sometimes hard to get good photographs because “Michael didn’t take good photos when he wasn’t being

Michael.” In other words, when he wasn’t being “on” as Michael Jackson. Sometimes just getting a good photo to work from could be challenging.

在多數的畫作 麥可並沒有親自去擺姿勢 大部分是根據照片 但有時要拍到好照片很難 他說 當麥可並不是扮演麥可這個角色時 就照不出好照片了 他必須處在麥可傑克森的 狀態下 所以要照好照片是個挑戰

但有幾幅素描是麥可確實在畫前擺姿勢的 請看原文連結圖他有解釋MJ的下半身都是用 漸淡的效果 因為MJ的腳總是處於動態

他也講到Eavn Chandler 當時Chandler想進入某個製作團隊 當他發現他沒在名單上 就開始跟MJ勒索金錢

雖然MJ是個和善有禮的人 但是有時也是相當有要求的人 MJ非常喜歡叫Michael的畫 到哪裡都帶著他 但911前夕 他去巴黎時運送過程畫被刮傷了 MJ非常傷心 並且要求馬上 修復這幅畫 因為發生了911要去LA的飛機很難有 所以他在沙漠中等了無數小時就為了去修畫

Michael’s perfectionist ways sometimes caused other problems, as well. He described an incident that occurred once, after a recording session, when Michael had been joined by Slash and some other rockers. “These were all  

guys that were used to just going in the recording studio and laying a track down in one take or two.” Michael was genuinely hurt and puzzled that these guys would be ticked off after being asked to make take after take. “All these people are mad at me,” he said.

麥可的完美主義也常造成其他麻煩 像是有一次麥可和Slash和其他搖滾界的樂手合作這些樂手通常習慣進錄音室 只錄一兩遍就好 麥可很難過和很困惑為什麼這些人在被他要求

重複彈很多遍之後都火大了 麥可當時在錄完音之後對我說 每個人都對我很火大

But David also carries many other memories of his longtime friend. He

remembers Michael’s completely zany, off the wall sense of humor. He told a

story about one time when he was trying to get through to Michael on the

phone. I don’t recall now what the purpose of this meeting was, but as he

told it, it was very urgent that he get through to Michael. However, he had

the misfortune to get “this woman with this very grating, annoying Brooklyn

accent” who refused to let him through. This went on indefinitely. Finally, he met up with Michael and started to tell him the story. “I would have gotten here sooner, but I was held up by this awful, annoying woman who talked like this (mocking her nasally, irritating voice, which I could imagine sounding just like Fran Drescher from The Nanny). Michael started to giggle, as the truth slowly dawned on David that he’d been “had.” “ Michael, was that you?”

“What do you think?” Michael said, talking in “her” voice.

但麥可也是很有幽默感的 大衛講了一個故事 有一次他想要打電話找麥可 是很急的事但是他很不幸的被一個帶有濃厚布魯克林口音的女人接聽了電話 她拒絕幫他轉接  最後他終於見到麥可了 而且跟MJ講了這個故事 他跟MJ說 如果我不是被這可惡的女人 耽誤就可以早點見到MJ了

麥可開始科科笑 大衛才發現被整了 他說 麥可 那是你?



In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.

In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort.

In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.

In a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.

~~~~By Michael Jackson

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ChesterB 來自: (09/14 11:18)
推 Scarecrowho:你覺得哩 ?好可愛 如果他用別國口音唱歌不知會如何? 09/14 17:16
推 oldtrafford:夢幻莊園MJ也太貼心了 但現在讀來太感傷了 可惡的DS 09/14 22:47
→ oldtrafford:他不僅毀了MJ的家 他還毀了很多小朋友可以脫離現實玩 09/14 22:48
→ oldtrafford:一天的機會 怒~~~ 最後一段整人太好笑了XD 09/14 22:48
推 u7273:最後一段整人太好笑了XD +1 09/15 00:47






臨摹 - 麥可傑克森



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