
日誌2015-03-18 00:01

【翻譯】Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Let Me Hear


演唱者:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
作詞作曲:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
收錄專輯:Let Me Hear

You guys do not notice that we
are gifted just for being humans
We are absolute predators
We do not even have any enemies
Maybe there are other animal
watching us and thinking that
someday “we will beat them down”

Oh We have the brains to think hard
Wear our favorite clothes
We are at no doubt human beings
Many small lives
They were born
with the fate
of dying for someone
[for someone A human baby]
A human baby
When will they find out
[When will they find out the true fact yeah]
that at the point they were born, we are
[we are winners]
(the) winners of Earth

ああ ひとり泣いていた となりのきみが問いかける
(吶 我獨自哭著 在旁的你問著)
だから僕ら寄り添い生きる 煌めくまで
(因為我們依偎著一起 直至璀璨)

For what have I been living for?
When will I find out the answer?
An answer that is only for you
What will myself and (the) first scenery I saw
Look like?
It's my face, my face

Shut up! I read this inside the book I read before
[The book I read before]
According (to) Maslow
[According (to) Maslow]
There are five steps (in a) human's desire

To live a long long life to stay safe and to receive
love from others
To get respect from
others, To get closer
to your ideal
That's what it said
No matter how hard other animals try,
they probably can't go over the first step
That is how intelligent we are and, (an animal) filled with greed
But that is probably why we can still live
on the top of the food chain
in this blue planet although we have weak bodies

ああ また君の目に いつもの朝が 映り込む
(吶 從你的眼裡反射著過去的早晨)
流れる 涙が きえてゆく

For what to live for
Think deeply as you live yeah
Cuz you humans are (the) only ones that can do this on Earth
What is it that you want to get in your right hands?
Let me hear

Tell me your new answer
Prove that you are different from monkies
If there is nothing to crave for, humans will die in a way
Don't you think so too?
Let me hear, Let me hear, Let me hear








【翻譯】Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - SHINE

【翻譯】Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas - Cast your shell

【翻譯】Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas - Party Boy


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。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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