
小說2017-10-17 22:50

【科幻】Chronicle of Republic: Storm of Cosmo- Introduction of Factions


Introduction of Factions
In the shining milky spirals, there are combined by three powerful forces.
First, Astral League. Consisted by couple of Single-system, and few double-system of ‘Astral Republics’, it’s a low united “Confederation”. Without regular leader and government of the commonwealth, Astral League is a vulnerable for the other political entities. However, people in the League are more ideal and diverse than others,for example, multiple spices in this society. Besides, they can accept people who want to utilize their creativity and imagination. Thus, they can make possibilities to change the universe. Let’s see how they prove their“Republican Ideal“.
Union of Man, a mega corporation with major groups of human, Established Proxima b as their capital. This Enterprise dedicate itself to “The Greater Property”, which is about obtaining everything in the universe. The entrepreneurs look for potential profits to enrich their companies. Unlike Astral League, Union of Man has strong desire to construct a “Human-only Capitalist World”. Therefore, the Union will grab the whole Galaxy whatever it cost. What will be the Union’s next target? Let us observe how “The Reality” works.
While the conflict between ideal and reality, a remarkable person emerged. His name is Gustav Tiberius Griivar, so called Gustav I the Grand Griffin Duke. He originally led the Defense Troops of Astral League to resist the invasion of the Union, and strengthen the influence of the League. Nevertheless, he suddenly claimed the throne and regime of newly occupied systems. Thereafter, Grand Duchy of Griffinburg has been highlighted in the Cosmo Political Sphere.
This majestic monarchy rules half of the Galaxy with its unbreakable armies and solid foundation of Cosmo Feudal System. The princes of Griffinburg are eager to expand their own principalities by conquering new systems, and nobles in lower class are willing to show their capacity for individual honor and collective glory. The moral standard of Griffinburg is“Galactic Order”. This order says that every person should serve the public order, and exterminate the vicious behaviors like excessive competition, selfishness,and worthless desire of wealth. House Griivar now leads its vassals and generals to “The Next Conquest”, bringing its glory to the whole Milky Way.
Last but not the least, somewhere of the Galaxy are gathering a mysterious power to balance the Galaxy. All great powers secretly seek this place to acquire the knowledge behind the location, researching it to fulfill their ambition. What thing will be revealed from this location? We must go down to discover it.
In the corner of the universe, here will have a powerful storm, and it will change the Galaxy forever.



Astral League:
Union of Man:

Grand Duchy of Griffinburg:










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