
日誌2022-11-04 00:03




Hi mate! I'm imsturtle, the main designer, programmer and writer in Mooy Dick.
I've published some novels online and one of the well-known stories is Sun Chaser on bahamut.com
I had quitted from my dream career and follow the story to be an agricultural specialist (basically said, farmer) working for foreign-aid project under UNDP and try to save the world. Then wake up from the joke and realize that's all lie.
I start writing stories again for lots of reasons and my kitten died in Nov. 2020.
Our goal is to create a character with fully clothed sex and realistic design! I'm so tired of those "cosplay sex" or "clothed sex" products that will end with nudity (even take off socks!!!!!!!!). I also hate those character wearing like cheap, common costume based on stereotype or mediocre style like schoolgirl or french maid in porn, if you know what I mean.
We establish this team because of my commission works. I want to create a story will make people realize the truth of global crisis and those bullshits from United Nations, and a hentai game which totally fit my fantasy. So, the artist had created this:
And then again, again and again......

At the end, we decide to make our own game!!!
We had 2 games on progress at this moment.
1. Mortal Cumpet
一款純粹寫給M男而且是內衣及著衣PLAY愛好者的情書,目前我們已經完成四個人物設計以及15張Live 2D的性愛場景,目前團隊的目標是至少要有五個腳色各要有五個場景,主程式的架構設計完成,目前仍在調整參數設計以及讓遊戲本身變得更有趣,預計DEMO將於年底釋出!
A love letter to show our pure love to clothed sex and luxury lingerie for femdom lovers. We had done 4 character-designs and 15 outercourse animations. Our goal is to create at least 5 characters and all of them have their own 5 animations. (Total in 5*5=25).
We had done the main frame as prototype, but it needs to be polished. We are working on game economic, UI, SFX, data design and more events. We tried to release demo at the end of this year.

2. 伊黎河谷一片芬芳 Flower in Ili River Valley
It's a story based on my old novel. I put more experiences from my former career into this story and turn it into visual novel. I had to adjust a lot of details and delete more clues inside which will reveal the real location or people get involved. This story is really politically incorrect with racial, cultural slurs or derogatory language. We named this VN in Flower in Ili River Valley with fictional detail. I want to show you the real evil I had faced from my former career.
It's a story based on Yarkant Massacre, about a young girl from Ethnic and racial minority populations lived in capitalized society. How she treated by those _________ and survive in post-apocalyptic world after World War III. I had deleted a lot of politic details to keep the core elements. I had done the scripts with around 70,000 words. We are working on the art assets at this moment.
I hope those people who had read the story before will like it.
We will update the weekly progress for you my dear!!!
Let's say goodnight to this fucking world!
And see you tomorrow!









開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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