

紫色的二氧化硅 | 2023-11-26 08:42:27 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 139

Bela Dimitrescu
1. A healthy man's blood... Hmm, I can't wait.(健康男人的血……嗯,我已經等不及了。)
2. A warm bloody shower would be just perfect.(能在溫暖的血池裡泡澡的話就真的太完美了。)
3. And for what, little man?(小男人,你是為了什麼啊?)
4. Annoying, aren't you?(你不覺得你很煩人嗎?)
5. Aren't you honored?(難道你不感到光榮嗎?)
6. Aren't you tired? Let me help you.(你難道不累嗎?讓我幫你吧。)
7. Bad boy.(壞男孩。)
8. Behave!(聽話!)
9. Blood! Fresh human blood!(血液!新鮮的人血!)
10. But I am the one who captured him!(但這是我先抓到他的!)
11. Can't depend on my sisters, especially Daniela.(我根本不能依靠我的妹妹們,尤其是Daniela。)
12. Cassandra let you escape.(Cassandra讓你逃走了。)
13. Caught you.(抓到你了。)
14. Come here.(過來這裡。)
15. Damn this cold! Damn you manthing!(這該死的寒冷!這該死的男人!)
16. Die!(去死吧!)
17. Don't cause me trouble.(不要給我製造麻煩。)
18. Don't worry, we'll feed the scraps to the pigs.(不用擔心,我們會把渣滓丟給豬吃的。)
19. Fine.(好吧。)
20. Fine, then.(那好吧。)
21. Foolish manthing.(愚蠢的男人。)
22. Give up!(放棄吧!)
23. Give up, yet?(這樣就放棄了?)
24. Hmm? Dead already?(嗯?已經死了嗎?)
25. Hmm, man-blood.(嗯,男人的血。)
26. Hmm, such a handsome face.(嗯,臉蛋長得倒是蠻英俊的。)
27. Hmm, this is nothing.(哼,這沒什麼。)
28. How could this happen to me!?(這事情怎麼會發生在我身上!?)
29. How could you?(你怎麼能這樣?)
30. How could you scar a woman!?(你怎麼可以傷害女人!)
31. How dare you bare your teeth at us!(你怎麼敢對我們張牙舞爪!)
32. How dare you do this to the House Dimitrescu!?(你怎麼敢對Dimitrescu家族做這些事情!?)
33. How dare you shoot me!?(你竟敢對我開槍!?)
34. How rude.(真粗魯。)
35. How would mother best like her meal prepared?(母親喜歡如何料理她的食物呢?)
36. I'll be the one! Me! Me!(我會成為那一個!是我!是我!)
37. I'll kill you with my own two hands!(我會親手殺了你!)
38. I'll slice your throat and stuff it with worms!(我要切開你的喉嚨,然後把蠕蟲都塞進去!)
39. I'm always taking care of their mess.(我總是要處理她們的爛攤子。)
40. I'm sick entire of women's blood!(我已經喝膩了女人的血!)
41. I'm sick of fighting you!(我已經厭煩了和你打鬥了!)
42. I'm sure mother will praise me.(我敢肯定母親一定會稱讚我的。)
43. I've come for you.(我就是為了你而來的。)
44. I can't believe Cassandra caused all this mess.(我不敢相信Cassandra竟然把這裡弄得烏煙瘴氣。)
45. I don't believe it!(我不相信!)
46. I feel no pain!(我完全感覺不到任何疼痛!)
47. I hate stupid man.(我討厭愚蠢的男人。)
48. I need blood. Warm, wet, bright red blood.(我想要血,溫暖的、濕潤的、鮮紅的血。)
49. I should have killed you sooner!(我應該瞬間就該殺掉你的!)
50. I want to drown in your blood!(我想要浸泡在你的血液裡!)
51. I won't forgive you! You bastard!(我不會原諒你的!你這個渾蛋!)
52. If I don't do it...(如果我不這麼做的話……)
53. If I don't fix things, will never have dinner on time.(如果我不把事情給做好,那就別想準時吃晚餐了。)
54. Impertinent man!(無禮的男人!)
55. Innocence is bliss.(天真無知是一種福氣。)
56. It doesn't matter! You won't leave...(沒關係!你是沒辦法離開這裡的……)
57. Just a taste, perhaps.(或許我可以嘗一口。)
58. Look at you, squealing like a pig.(看看你,像豬一樣在尖叫。)
59. Mother, he's here!(母親,他在這裡!)
60. Mother! I'm... sorry...(母親!我非常……抱歉……)
61. Mother, I bring you fresh prey.(母親,我帶來了新鮮獵物。)
62. Mother, sisters, come quick, he's here!(母親,妹妹們,快過來,他在這裡!)
63. Mother always praises me.(母親總是會讚賞我。)
64. Mother does kill all of the servants.(母親確實把所有僕人都殺了。)
65. Move your hands!(把你的手拿開!)
66. Must quickly drain the blood, then.(必須趕快榨乾鮮血才行。)
67. Must remember to have them clean the dungeon.(我必須要記得讓她們好好清理地牢。)
68. No! I must finish this!(不!我必須要解決這件事!)
69. Not bad.(還行。)
70. Not like this...(不該這樣的……)
71. Now I have to carry you. I should have killed you in the kitchen.(現在我必須花力氣扛起你,我真應該在廚房殺了你的。)
72. Now to go tell mother I've taken care of you.(現在我要去告訴母親我正在照顧著你。)
73. Oh, I'd love to relax in a nice hot blood bath.(哦,我最愛在溫暖的血池裡放鬆。)
74. Oh, that running.(哦,還在逃跑啊。)
75. Oh, you poor thing! But I must have more...(哦,你這個可憐的東西!但是我還需要更多……)
76. One manthing? I wonder if it's enough.(就一個凡人?我很好奇這是否足夠。)
77. Quit your games!(別再耍什麼小把戲了!)
78. So very, very parched!(真的非常、非常乾渴啊!)
79. Squeeze the blood out when they're alive, and it's that much sweeter.(在他們還活著的時候就把血給榨出來,這會讓味道更加美味。)
80. Such a terrible manthing!(多麼糟糕的男人啊!)
81. The eldest daughter bears the burden.(最年長的女兒就是要承擔最多。)
82. This blade is good enough for the likes of you!(這把鐮刀對你這樣的人類來說就已經足夠了!)
83. This can't be!(這不可能變成這樣!)
84. This thirst!(看看我多麼口渴!)
85. Warm blood!(溫暖的血!)
86. We'll meet again.(我們會再相遇的。)
87. We must save the best parts for last.(我們一定會把最佳部位留到最後。)
88. What!? My body... is breaking!(什麼!?我的身體……要壞掉了!)
89. What a mess.(真是亂得一團糟。)
90. What a pitiful face.(多麼可憐的一張臉。)
91. Where are those stupid sisters of mine?(我那些愚蠢的妹妹們到底在哪裡?)
92. Where are you going?(你要去哪裡?)
93. Where are you going, little one?(小可愛,你想要去哪裡呢?)
94. Which tools do you prefer?(你想要被哪種工具給殺死?)
95. Worthless sisters, I have to do everything myself.(真是沒用的妹妹們,什麼事情都得由我來親自處理。)
96. Yes, mother.(好的,母親。)
97. You...(你……)
98. You'll suffer for this!(你會為此受到痛苦的!)
99. You are to be mother's meal.(你會成為母親的食物的。)
100. You are tonight's main dish.(你是今晚的主菜。)
101. You can't escape.(你逃不掉的。)
102. You get lost.(你迷失了。)
103. You should mind a little.(你應該再謹慎一些的。)
104. You still don't get it?(你還不明白嗎?)
105. You stupid manthing!(你這個愚蠢的男人!)
106. Your bullets cannot harm--(你的子彈沒辦法傷害——)

Cassandra Dimitrescu
1. Ah, good!(啊,真棒!)
2. And?(然後?)
3. Another time.(下次吧。)
4. Bela never stops complaining.(Bela總是在抱怨。)
5. Can't leave in winter and it gets so lonely here.(我們冬天沒辦法出門,然後這裡就會變得非常冷清。)
6. Cold! So cold!(好冷!真的好冷啊!)
7. Curse you!(天殺的!)
8. Daniela says she wants to play with you.(Daniela說她想和你玩玩。)
9. Dead already?(已經死掉了?)
10. Did someone call?(有人打電話來嗎?)
11. Did you say something?(你剛剛說了什麼嗎?)
12. Disgusting manthing...(噁心的男人……)
13. Don't get cocky!(不要太囂張!)
14. Don't make me angry!(不要惹我生氣!)
15. Don't move now!(不准動!)
16. Drink, drink... I need to drink now!(血,血液……我現在就要喝你的血!)
17. Fine, fine! I get your point!(好了,好了!我知道你的意思了!)
18. Give me more of that beautiful voice!(我想要再多聽聽那天籟之音!)
19. Good!(很好!)
20. Good boy.(乖孩子。)
21. Hairs, skin, nails I get, what is left!(除了你的頭髮,皮膚,指甲,我還可以得到什麼!)
22. Have to get warm!(必須趕快取暖!)
23. Hmm... I guess I should hold back a little.(嗯……我想我應該要稍微忍耐的。)
24. How's it feel?(感覺如何?)
25. How about this?(試試看這個如何?)
26. How boring.(多麼無聊啊。)
27. Huh... Really?(哈……真的嗎?)
28. I'll be back to normal, in no time!(我很快就會恢復正常!)
29. I'll just have a little more before I call Bela.(在我叫Bela過來之前,我還想要再嘗一口。)
30. I'll mount you head on my wall!(我會把你的頭顱掛在我的牆上!)
31. I'll try harder next time.(下次我會試著更用力的。)
32. I'm not done.(我還沒結束呢。)
33. I'm watching you.(我在看著你呢。)
34. It's fine! Everything's fine!(很好!一切都很好!)
35. It's freezing!(這真的太冷了!)
36. I've hunted every beast you could imagine!(你能想到的猛獸我都捕獵過!)
37. I can't die!(我不能死!)
38. I can't hold back any longer!(我再也忍不住了!)
39. I can't move!(我動不了了!)
40. I can smell your fear!(我能嗅到你的恐懼!)
41. I could smell you!(我可以嗅到你的味道!)
42. I haven't cut open a man in a while!(我已經有一段時間沒有切開男人了!)
43. I haven't give it up yet.(我還沒有放棄呢。)
44. I haven't had this much fun for ever!(我從來沒有感覺這麼有趣過!)
45. I know you'll be here.(我知道你在這裡。)
46. I need to get taste before my sister gets in the way.(我必須在姐妹來之前趕快嘗一口才行。)
47. I slice your limbs and feed them to the pigs!(我要把你的四肢切碎,然後拿去餵豬!)
48. I was worried my sisters had gotten to you first.(我剛剛還擔心我的姐妹們先抓住你呢。)
49. I won't last until dinner.(我不會等到晚餐的。)
50. Just die!(去死吧!)
51. Just like that!(就是那個樣子!)
52. Let me string you up, slice your jugular, and just watch...(讓我把你綁起來,切開你的頸靜脈,然後慢慢欣賞……)
53. Like that? Harder?(像這樣?再用力一點?)
54. Look forward to what mother has in store for you.(期待母親為你準備的東西吧。)
55. Maybe I'll keep a souveir.(也許我會留個紀念品。)
56. Mother! Mother!(母親!母親!)
57. Mother said stale, but I think you're delicious!(母親說你不新鮮,但我覺得你一定很美味!)
58. My blood is pumping!(我全身血液都在沸騰!)
59. My body!(我的身體!)
60. My throat... It's so dry!(我的喉嚨……非常渴!)
61. No!(不!)
62. No! It's a lie!(不!這不可能發生的!)
63. Not a terrible hunt.(這次狩獵還不錯。)
64. Not bad.(還行。)
65. Now then, don't you have to run?(那麼,你不用逃跑嗎?)
66. Of course, mother!(這是當然的,母親!)
67. Pitiful.(真可憐。)
68. Play with me some more!(多陪我玩一會兒!)
69. Ready?(準備好了?)
70. Shall I give you the tour?(需要我給你導遊嗎?)
71. Shut up and run like a good little manthing!(閉上你的嘴巴,然後乖乖跟我走!)
72. Sister!(姐姐!)
73. Sisters? Come get him!(姐妹們?快來抓住他!)
74. So scary!(真的好可怕啊!)
75. So thirsty.(真口渴啊。)
76. So you like being sliced to bits!?(所以你更喜歡被切成碎片嗎!?)
77. Sometimes I want the first bite, you know.(你知道的,有時候我想要拿下第一口。)
78. Stop!(停下來!)
79. Stupid man.(愚蠢的男人。)
80. Stupid manthing! You'll die anyway!(愚蠢的男人!不管怎麼樣你都必須死!)
81. Taken alive? Dead? Which would you prefer?(活著被榨血,還是死了再榨?你喜歡哪一個?)
82. That's perfect.(真完美。)
83. That won't do!(那是沒有用的!)
84. The more scared you are, the thickerthe blood.(你越害怕,血就越香醇。)
85. This can't happen...(這不可能發生……)
86. This is my hunt!(這是屬於我的狩獵!)
87. This reminds me of deer hunting in spring.(這讓我想起了春天時狩獵的鹿。)
88. Tonight's dinner is gonna be fun!(今晚的晚餐看起來很有趣!)
89. Too bad.(真糟糕。)
90. Trying to work up my appetite, are you?(你是不是想要吊我的胃口?)
91. What!?(什麼!?)
92. What a boring manthing.(真是無聊的男人。)
93. What a pointless struggle!(多麼沒有意義的掙扎!)
94. When I see your face, I just want to...!(當我看著你的臉,我只是想要……)
95. Why!?(為什麼!?)
96. Wonderful!(太棒了!)
97. Wow! Good idea!(哇!好主意!)
98. Yes! Yes!(好極了!好極了!)
99. You're done!(你完蛋了)
100. You're finished!(你完蛋了!)
101. You're going to die here!(你很快就會死在這裡!)
102. You're my prey... Mine...(你是我的獵物……是我的……)
103. You've done it now!(你現在已經做到了!)
104. You've killed Bela!(你竟然殺死了Bela!)
105. You! What are you doing!(就是你!你做了什麼!)
106. You are from the outside, yes?(你不是本地人,對嗎?)
107. You bastard!(你這個該死的渾蛋!)
108. You died in a blink.(你眨眼間就會死了。)
109. You look delicious!(你看起來真美味!)
110. You ruined the hunt!(你毀了這一次的狩獵!)
111. You won't die easy now!(現在我不會讓你死得那麼輕鬆了!)
112. You will look wonderful mounted in our hall.(我們的大廳用你來裝飾一定會很棒。)
113. You will not get away!(你是逃不掉的!)
114. Your blood will be the centre for our party!(你的鮮血將會成為我們派對的主要美食!)

Daniela Dimitrescu
1. A dream. This is a dream.(夢,這是一場夢。)
2. Ah, don't worry.(啊,不用擔心。)
3. Ah, oh my.(啊,我的天。)
4. Apologize and I'll forgive you!(如果你道親的話,那我就會原諒你!)
5. Are you happy? You're happy, right?(你開心嗎?你一定很開心的,對嗎?)
6. Are you hurt?(你受傷了?)
7. Aww, you're blushing.(哦,你臉紅了。)
8. Blood!(鮮血!)
9. But I treated you so well!(但我對你很好!)
10. Bye bye.(再見。)
11. Can I?(我可以嗎?)
12. Can you hear me?(你聽得到我嗎?)
13. Come, Ethan. Dance with me.(過來吧,Ethan,和我一起跳舞吧。)
14. Come here. I'll hold you close.(過來這裡,我會緊緊抱著你的。)
15. Come on! Guess what comes next!(快啊!來猜猜看接下來會有什麼驚喜!)
16. Do you hate me?(你討厭我嗎?)
17. Don't be careful of the house, please!(拜託不要對這個房子這麼小心翼翼的!)
18. Don't be coy.(不要害羞嘛。)
19. Don't be such a bore!(不要這麼無趣!)
20. Don't make me mad!(不要惹我生氣!)
21. Don't mind if I do.(不用在意我在做什麼。)
22. Don't you love me!?(你不喜歡我嗎!?)
23. Ethan.(Ethan。)
24. Ethan! It's me!(Ethan!是我!)
25. Ethan! You called Ethan right?(Ethan!你叫Ethan,對嗎?)
26. Everybody makes mistakes!(每個人都會犯錯的!)
27. Everyone else was so happy!(其他人都那麼快樂!)
28. Everyone falls for me in time.(我人見人愛。)
29. Found you.(找到你了。)
30. Good. Now harder.(很好,現在再用力點。)
31. Have you met Bela?(你已經遇到Bela了嗎?)
32. Hey, kiss me?(嘿,要不要親一親我?)
33. Hmm, bad boy! You can't go anywhere.(嗯,壞孩子,你那裡也去不了。)
34. How is our main dish doing?(我們的主菜準備得如何?)
35. How wonderful!(真美妙啊!)
36. I'll cut your belly and turn you into my flowerbed!(我會切開你的肚子,然後把你變成我花園裡的肥料!)
37. I'll enjoy every last drop.(我會好好品嘗你每一滴血的。)
38. I'll grow even more beautiful.(我會越長越漂亮的。)
39. I'm going to stuff you into a press and squeeze you out!(我要把你壓成肉泥再把你擠出來!)
40. I'm telling mother on you!(我會跟母親告狀的!)
41. I can't wait for dinner.(我可等不到晚餐。)
42. I don't care for this kind of joke!(我不喜歡這種玩笑!)
43. I don't wanna... die...(我不想……死……)
44. I forgive you!(我原諒你!)
45. I get thirsty. Understand?(我口渴了,明白了嗎?)
46. I just want to eat you!(我只是想要把你吃掉!)
47. I saw you watching me.(我看到你在看著我。)
48. I want all your blood!(我要你全部的鮮血!)
49. If only I can hunt like Cassandra.(要是我能像Cassandra一樣打獵就好了。)
50. If you play with me, I'll let you live in the meantime.(如果你和我一起玩,我會讓你在這段時間裡存活。)
51. It's a secret... for my sisters.(這是對我姐姐們的……一個秘密。)
52. It's all snow out there. I just hate it.(外面都是漫天雪地,真討厭。)
53. It's cold! Cold! Cold!(好冷啊!冷!真冷啊!)
54. It's so cold!(這真的是太冷了!)
55. Just a little, just a taste.(就一點點,只是嘗一口就好。)
56. Just like mother.(就像母親一樣。)
57. Keep shooting!(繼續開槍啊!)
58. Let's have some fun.(外面來玩點有趣的吧。)
59. Let's keep this between you and me!(這個秘密只有我和你知道!)
60. Let me have a sip.(讓我喝一小口。)
61. Look! You put a hole in me!(你看看!你在我身上打了一個洞!)
62. Look at me!(看著我!)
63. Looking for Rose?(你是在找Rose?)
64. Me!? Hurts!?(我!?傷害你了!?)
65. More than anyone else.(比任何人都還要更多。)
66. Mother! Hurry! Come here quick!(母親!快點!快點來這裡!)
67. Mother's scary.(母親很可怕呢。)
68. Mother loves me the most.(母親最疼愛我了。)
69. My sisters are terrible. They never have time to play.(我的姐姐們很可怕,她們從來沒有時間可以玩樂。)
70. My throat's so dry!(我現在非常乾渴!)
71. No!(不!)
72. No! My body!(不!我的身體!)
73. Now, join me!(現在,跟我一起!)
74. Oh, I want to eat the cute ones right up!(哦,我真想馬上吃掉你這個小可愛!)
75. Oh, you'd be a part of me forever!(哦,你會永遠成為我的一部分!)
76. Over here.(過來這裡。)
77. Poor little manthing.(可憐的小凡人。)
78. Poor manthing. No place to run?(可憐的凡人,已經無處可逃了嗎?)
79. Really? Where are you looking?(真的嗎?你在看哪裡?)
80. She's the smart one.(她是聰明的人。)
81. So you finally came to see me!(你終於來見我了!)
82. So you hate me!(你討厭我!)
83. So you want to play hide-and-seek?(所以你是想要玩躲貓貓嗎?)
84. Sorry, I'm bored.(對不起,我覺得很無趣。)
85. Stop that!(停下來!)
86. Tell me what you want me to do to you.(告訴我,你想要我怎麼對你。)
87. That's all?(這就是全部了?)
88. That feels good.(感覺真好。)
89. Then let us devour his man-flesh quickly, mother!(那我們得趕緊吃掉這個男的,母親!)
90. This isn't fair!(這不公平!)
91. Try something new?(我們來試試看新花樣?)
92. Ugh, damn!(呃,該死的!)
93. Ugh! Oh, so mean!(呃!哦,真卑鄙!)
94. Ugh! Put those arms down!(呃!把手放下來!)
95. Wait!(等一下!)
96. We'll be together forever.(我們會永遠在一起的。)
97. We're through!(我們之間結束了!)
98. Well done! You're beautiful!(真棒!你真好看!)
99. What are you doing?(你在做什麼?)
100. What did I do!?(我做了什麼!?)
101. Why!? Why would you do this!?(為什麼!?為什麼你要這樣做!?)
102. Why are you doing this!?(為什麼你要這樣做!?)
103. Why hello?(為什麼要打招呼呢?)
104. Yes, mother.(是的,母親。)
105. You... can't... mother... will... kill... you...(你不會……成功的……母親……會……殺了……你……)
106. You'll be a part of me. Happy?(你將會成為我的一部分,開心嗎?)
107. You'll kill me!(你會殺了我的!)
108. You're mine now, darling.(親愛的,你現在是我的了。)
109. You're really my type.(你真的是我喜歡的類型。)
110. You are just toying with me!?(你只是在玩弄我!?)
111. You can't be serious!(你不能這麼認真!)
112. You cheat!(你這是在作弊!)
113. You know how to push my buttons.(你還真是懂得怎麼踩我的地雷呢。)
114. You know what I want.(你知道我要什麼的。)
115. You like more pain?(你想要更痛苦一些嗎?)
116. You really want to kill me?(你真的要殺了我嗎?)
117. You see.(你看看。)
118. You smell nice!(你的味道真好聞!)
119. You wanna to see me? I did, too.(你想要見到我?我也是。)


