
日誌2010-02-22 06:21

[暮蟬鳴泣之時] why, or why not (連結失效)


why, or why not / 片霧烈火     詞/ interface   曲・編曲/ 大嶋啓之
影片/ platinummaiden   英譯/ 神奈・貓口ω ~ 丁丁 ~      排版/ 丁丁~
To get my happiness I had done everything, but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of.
為了獲得幸福              甚麼我都做了,                但是沒做任何                   該被責備指責的事.
The sound of footsteps became louder every day, Then I noticed the fact there was no time.
腳步聲                                             與日俱增,               然後發現這個事實        已經沒有時間.
I was a believer in life to be myself always, and was asking whether I would be alive.
我一直相信人生           總是屬於自己,           並且詢問            是否我還活著.
Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way, or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins.
給我理由為何不行              從這條路通過,           或是審判我有罪                   因為諸多無法饒恕罪孽.
Tell me why,or why not.  Complaining way too much, maybe I overlooked something fatal for me.
告訴我為何, 或為何不.    投訴方式太多了,                    也許我忽略了某些東西               對我必要的.
The whole world was at a complete standstill, and I was in fetters, at the mercy of the mob.
整個世界                          完全靜止,                     而我上了腳鐐,           任由暴民擺佈.
The silent warning became louder every day.  Then I kept pretending not to hear.
沉默警告                                與日俱增.                而我繼續假裝                  聽不見.
Its meaning had been in the eyes of beholder all along.  It had grown dark before I found a sign.
這是有意義的在那些                       一直旁觀的人眼中.      
Among the nonsense tragedies, what on earth you are looking for?
在那些無意義的悲劇中,                你到底尋找甚麼?
You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate.
你只要對自己誠實                     還有你的命運.

Tell me why,or why not.  Complaining way too much, maybe I overlooked something fatal for me.
告訴我為何, 或為何不.    投訴方式太多了,                    也許我忽略了某些東西               對我必要的.
There is nobody who knows there will be nobody.  Except for me,all the world has gone mad.
沒有任何人知道                      那裡並沒有任何人.      除了我之外,     整個世界全都瘋了.
So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
所以是那種寬恕             你想保留的?                                                  
What is the well-being you are willing to make?
是哪種福祉                    你想創造的?
Now what? So what?  Don't you come interrupt me, oh please, while I am interrupting myself.
然後呢?      所以呢?    你不來阻止我嗎,                       拜託你, 當我正在阻止自己時.





【朝聖者 Pilgrims】 主C竟是就是個流浪漢,隊友土匪、老奶奶與惡魔 【咖啡實況 】

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