
日誌2011-01-24 18:25

The Subways - Rock & Roll Queen


這首Rock & Roll Queen是英國搖滾團體The Subways的作品,

Rock & Roll Queen

You are the sun
You are the only one
My heart is blue
My heart is blue for you
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

You are the sun
You are the only one
You are so cool
You are so rock and roll

Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

You are the sun
You are the only one
You are so cool
It's all so rock and roll

這首"Oh Yeah"也不錯high


Oh Yeah

Well, everytime I feel you're coming round, you're going down
You hit the ground with every force, it makes no sense or sound
God bless your soul girl
Now you got the whole world
I'm on my way now
I'll get there somehow

Have you ever seen the light?
Don't you wonder where I hide?
I will live, then I will die
I will keep you on my mind

It's your eyes that make me smile, oh yeah oh yeah
Wasting time, hanging out, oh yeah oh yeah
These teenage years, no they don't last, oh yeah oh yeah
These teenage lips, they speak too fast, oh yeah oh yeah

I see the light that's shining from your eyes, blinding me
It's like I'm walking down your street again at seventeen

God bless your soul girl
They got the whole world
I'm on my way now
I'll get there somehow

Have you ever seen the light?
Don't you wonder where I hide?
I will live, then I will die
I will keep you on my mind

It's your eyes that make me smile, oh yeah oh yeah
Wasting time, hanging out, oh yeah oh yeah
These teenage years, no they don't last, oh yeah oh yeah
These teenage lips, they speak too fast, oh yeah oh yeah







【歌詞翻譯】Elephant Kashimashi – デーデ 【中日歌詞】



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