
日誌2017-02-01 11:19

MH2016] 2月美版討論區雜記


1. 美版官網討論區/其它地方 逛到的有趣內容轉載~ 使用 Google 翻譯 (不保證中文內容的正確性)
2. 內容以美版為主, 若為台版資訊會特別註明.

MH2016 一些統計資料 (CLEA 有 VU)

制裁者影集版造形 VU (其實是整個重作)

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2 Trailer # 3 Tease (2017) Chris Pratt Action Blockbuster Movie HD  

[Announcement] Infinity System 1.1b Update - Round Robin Removal and More  無限系統 1.1b 更新
    Round Robin 取消, 改新增 Gem Mastery 寶石精通 - 當在某寶石頁花了 50/100/150 點, 會有額外好處.
以下是6寶石精通的三階獎勵 :

Mind 心智
Power 力量
Reality 直實
Soul 靈魂
Space 空間



Mind 心智
Power 力量
Reality 真實
Soul 靈魂
Space 空間
Time 時間

* 關於無限系統練級速度是否要調整? 官方還在觀察, 目前最高者是 1661, 低於開發組預期...
* 1.1b 可能在下一個主要 Patch 時推出, 時間還沒有確定

Friday Update - 2/24
  1. 關於回朔, 27日週一會更新, 一些能回覆的會作處理
  2. 下週四 3/2 Patch

  3.   Mystic Mayhem 至 3/1
        Dark Dimensions Event 至 3/1
       XP 加成 125% 至 Monday(2/27) 1:59AM PST.

The Summoned Ally System has been Revamped!
召喚物改吃英雄主攻擊屬性加成(物理傷/心智傷/能量傷三者最高那個), 就算召喚英雄主傷害屬性和召喚物不同也照樣加成(例如火箭浣熊是能量傷,葛魯特是物理傷, 葛魯特照樣吃火箭的能量傷加成).
新增 Summon Damage Rating 詞綴.

  Super Hero & Costume BOGO Sale!

  Marvel Heroes 2016 Bonus G

Just the 63% XP for Mystic Mayhem

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.04 Patch Notes  和更新預覽幾乎相同
    New Hero: Black Bolt - 居然直接可試玩
    Hero Power Animation Changes   
   Summon Power & Itemization Changes   
   Story Chapter 4/7/8 Updates
   Slot 1-5 Item Changes   
   Item Grade Drop Chance    
   S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply Drop Changes   
   Visual Updates     
   Adam Warlock Vendor Changes      
   一堆 Hero Changes

   RARE 升 EPIC 配方取消
   Cosmic Hightown Patrol Boss 不再掉 Cosmic slot 1-5
第99天的服務日誌獎勵(The Doomsaw Artifact)將被追溯性地授予已經通過此日誌的所有帳戶。該版本的項目不能交易給其他玩家。

   Bounty chests in the Castle Doom Terminal can drop boss artifacts for all minibosses that appear as well as cosmic boss artifacts in cosmic difficulty.
   Sinister Lab Terminal 地圖縮小, 獎勵箱&人數減少為1箱

Marvel's The Defenders Trailer 2017 | New Netflix Series

Marvel's Netflix the defenders trailer 2  

新影片:  3/17 上映
《漫威鐵拳俠》- 正式預告 – Netflix [HD]  
《漫威鐵拳俠》– 先睹為快:科林·溫 – Netflix [HD]  

Old Man Logan mini-event, team-up and fortune card announced 這篇說 :
  配合3月份的金鋼狼電影:羅根 , 將會有一個電影小事件和商品, 包含
   -Old Man Logan costume VU 老漢-羅根 服裝更新
   -New X-23 costume based on Innocence Lost  基於  Innocence Lost 的 X-23 新服裝
   -New Fortune card that includes an Old Man Logan team-up  新轉蛋卡, 包含有老漢 羅根 Team-Up
   -X-23 和金鋼狼有 XP 加成 (100% 再外加黃階轉生加倍)

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (2/22)  增加了 :
1. Heroic Difficulty - Slot 1-5 items have a chance to drop at Item Grade 66  英雄難會掉 Lv66 Slot 裝
   Cosmic Difficulty - Slot 1-5 items have a chance to drop at Item Grade 66 or 69 宇宙難會掉 Lv69 Slot 裝

2. 幾件獨特裝詞綴調整

3. S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply Drop  新增掉落以下內容 :
      Specific Challenge Bonus tokens
      Cosmic Fragments
      Unique Medallions
      Event-specific Items

4. S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply Drop 降低了 Ring 戒指 和 ES 掉落率,但將 ES 的數量上限增加到10。 增加出現一疊古物的機會,一疊的數量一定是5的倍數。

2/23 Marvel Heroes 2016 Bonus G Sale!

Marvel Heroes 2016 Live-Stream Featuring Black Bolt! 2/22 @ 3:00PM PST *MOVED*

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (2/21)
[Test Center] Summoner Changes (2/21)

Gambit 90's VU Screenshots

Main Article about QA at Gazillion:

Article interviewing each member of QA:

[Test Center] Slot 1-5 Item Changes
非獨特的 Slot 1~5 視品質會多1~3個專屬詞綴
問: can cosmic items roll +attributes?
答:Indeed - I believe Attributes can appear as random affixes as early as Uncommon tier items.

    These items aren't meant to outright replace uniques. They are meant to be tailored to the difficulties and scale better from 1-60 than the current ones do.
    This change is being done to set the groundwork for omega items. Giving white>cosmic items better affixes, better curves and better scaling is incredibly important for that.
    Let's not compare them to uniques and then call the whole thing a failure. That's like asking a fish to climb a tree and calling it a failure.
一些新的黃階Slot裝可以替代掉獨特(視人物需求), 還有更多詞綴會陸續推出

Friday Update - 2/17  下週四 Patch , 細節參考下面 TC 預覽
[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (2/17)

  1. 黑蝠王推出~
  2. 技能動畫變更 - 更容易中斷動畫, 不卡住
  3. 召換技能&項目變更
  4. 故事模式 4.7.8章大調整, Sinister Lab Terminal 也跟著變了
  5. 修正一些 BUG,  Cosmic Essences 可以在低於宇宙難度掉落了
  6. 新增  Cosmic 版本的 The Book of Eibon 和 The Book of Demonicus, 在奇異博士事件就衝吧~
  7.冰人大修 & 一大堆英雄調整
  8. Day 99 登入禮 (The Doomsaw Artifact) 將追溯贈送 - 不可交易
  9.  The Epic Battles Against the Kingpin Achievement 啟用
10. 服裝 VU :   
    Captain America The Captain Costume
    Gambit Classic 90s Costume
    Ghost Rider Original Costume
    Hulk Planet Hulk Costume
    Punisher Modern Costume
    Psylocke Classic Costume
    Scarlet Witch Modern Costume
    Squirrel Girl Modern Costume
    Storm Modern Costume
    Thor Modern Costume
    Spider-Man Back in Black Costume

[Test Center] Upcoming Adam Warlock Vendor Change
  英雄 / Team-UP 的解鎖將要由亞當術士 永恆碎片商人處移除, 以後只能從英雄名冊(T)解鎖.
  所有的英雄/Team-UP 的 ES / G 賣價都不會有變動. 隨機英雄盒會繼續賣~

Pre-Order Black Bolt Now!  黑色的螺栓開賣了

Marvel Heroes 2016 Live-Stream Featuring Black Bolt! 2/20 @ 3:00PM PST
    開發組線上直播互動聊黑蝠王和一個新 VU

Black Bolt Preview 15/02/17 - Marvel Heroes  
Visual Update Preview 15/12/16 - Marvel Heroes

[Test Center] Animation Timing & Canceling Changes
[Test Center] Summoner Changes
[Test Center] Story Chapter 7 Update   {終端副本會跟著更新}
[Test Center] Story Chapter 8 Update
[Test Center] Iceman Update
[Test Center] Black Bolt Feedback
[Test Center] Please Read - Hotbar Icons Known Issue

Yes, artifacts do. Cosmic armor and unique armor does not drop at normal difficulty.

Many VUs currently on the TC (pictures inside) 一些 VU, 多圖                 
For the confirmed list of VUs coming in next week's patch... 下週 VU 清單
   Captain America : The Captain (VU Costume)
   Gambit : Classic 90s (VU Costume)
   Ghost Rider : Original (VU Costume)
   Hulk : Planet Hulk (VU Costume)
   Punisher : Modern (Default Starting)
   Psylocke : Classic (Default Starting)
   Scarlet Witch : Modern (Default Starting)
   Squirrel Girl : Modern (Default Starting)
   Storm : Modern (Default Starting)
   Thor : Modern (Default Starting)

Black Bolt 黑蝠王討論分區上線

【復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰】HD前導中文電影預告及開拍特輯
  { 額... 大改版是為了 MH2018 或 MH2019鋪路嗎 ^ ^" }

Animation Improvements, Reponsiveness, & Animation Cancelling, Coming Soon!
  { 技能動畫要可以中斷了, 坐等TC ~ }
後續的 Q&A
  Q: So if I hit the taco button while the burrito is on it's way to my mouth, I still eat the burrito, but the taco gets in there too, and a little faster than before?
A: Well technically, you eat the burrito in its entirety, in one single bite, while seamlessly using your other hand to grab a taco and in the most minimal time possible, start its journey into your mouth. This is not advised as a healthy means of consumption though.

Friday[Saturday] Update - 2/11
1. 下週沒有PAtch, 要等到20號了 {要處理上面的技能動畫項目吧}
2. 傳說中的 BIF 掉寶系統 = S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply Drops 和配套的藥劑已推出,
4. 宇宙混沌和情人節雙活動進行中

New Boosts Overview
[Video] My First SHIELD Supply Box
OMG!!! Those SHIELD Supply boxes....

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.03 Patch Notes

  情人節事件 2/10~2/14, 殺怪集情人節BUFF, 疊5層大掉寶

新的 S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply Drops 掉寶系統, ....
{ 說明看無, 有點複雜的感腳
  似乎是吃 S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply Boosts 掉寶藥劑後, 將XP條切換至 "掉寶條", 殺一定數量的怪後可以增加讀數, 當掉寶條集滿後會給個 S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply boxe 寶箱 }

S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply boxe 可能會開出 -  
  共同獎勵 :
  也有較低的機會開出大禮 史詩物品:  隨機服裝或英雄, 大絕升級章, 宇宙神器

商城藥劑變成4種 :
     S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply Boost  - 掉寶藥劑
     Experience Boost - XP藥劑,
     Currency Boost - 掉錢(代弊)藥劑
     Combination Boost - 複合藥劑

危險室和 RAID 調整
每日登入禮增加轉蛋卡 MK1 ??
紅/黃 Hightown Patrol Boss 100%掉獨特
    其它雷同底下的 TC預告

Fortune Favors You Sale!.

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (2/9)
1. 危險室調整 - 看起來是某些項目難度調低
Muspelheim Raid 調整
3. 復仇者大樓新增商人 Hartney of Asgard, 賣白牌烏魯裝備
4. 一些宇宙神器/大獎章的調整與開始掉落
5. Team-up調整 - 提高在英雄/宇宙難度的活躍度
6. 一堆英雄小調或修BUG
7. 終端機獎勵箱需殺人數減少25  {100/200/300}
8. armor 催化劑箱 Bug 修正
9. 60級後故事模式任務所得 XP 減少
10. Cosmic Bounty Hunter 成就重新啟用
11. 成就之英雄類別的宇宙終端相關成就, 現在任何難度的終端都算數了

My bet is they were so neck deep into all the changes for the Big Update that they just said "forget summoners, leave that for later."
I'm betting you'll see some big changes to the way summoners work in next week's TC

Marvel's Iron Fist | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix  
Marvel's Iron Fist首演2017年3月17日專門針對Netflix。

So the achievement has been removed temporary.
Our team is working on a resolution! Updates to come.             

Have you done our Hero Survey yet? We want your feedback regarding all 60 Heroes! You only need to provide feedback for Heroes you are familiar with. Thanks! {官網公開徵求玩家對英雄的意見反饋}
[A-K] https://goo.gl/forms/EtlJh8lEUT00RU0t2
[L-Z] https://goo.gl/forms/TLLd3cA7vqoOuenw1

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (2/7)  { 主要還是小調整 + 修BUG }
Story Missions now grant less XP after reaching level 60. 故事模式在60級後穫得的任務XP減少

Hero Surveys for the Biggest Update Ever.

[Official] February Event Schedule
   Each event starts at 12:01 AM Pacific on the first date and ends at 11:59 PM Pacific on the second date.

   2/2 - 2/8: Odin's Bounty
   2/9 - 2/15: Cosmic Chaos
   2/16 - 2/22: A.R.M.O.R. Incursion
   2/23 - 3/1: Mystic Mayhem + Dark Dimension (Doctor Strange) <- 有玩家要求再開, 要拿稱號

   We'll also be running a Valentines Day event starting on 2/10 and ending at 11:59pm Pacific 2/14!
   情人節活動 2/10 ~2/14

【星際異攻隊2】HD加長版超級盃電視廣告 一起期待5月的到來吧, 希望會出小葛魯特 TU

But isn't there that one acount you can play on live as a cow that is on godmode? A former employee played with that on live.
That was one account made especially for that purpose. Only David Brevik had access to it.
  操作牛王機體需要一個特別的帳號, 只有B先生才可以使用它

So we are still in beta of MH2017?
No, we're committing to updating our game systems over time in a fashion and timetable where we don't have to halt production publishes for several months at a time.

Omega Prestige  據說將會有 Omega 級轉生??

Test Center - 2/6
[Test Center] Bonus Item Find Feedback
   [Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes

Difficulty Slider Overview 難度調整遲來的說明文, 兩個灰的難度最終難度是 Omega
   打普通難度到全身紫裝, 就可改打英雄難度, 集滿全身宇宙/獨特裝再去打宇宙難度

Friday[Saturday] Update - 2/4
1. 請參觀並選購新英雄和新 tu => Beast ; Jubilee!
2. 準備下一篇開發部落文 -> BIF
3. 下面這問題應該 2/6 會解決

4.  Influencer Recruitment Program 進行中, 歡迎投稿
"Dawn of a New Age".進行中, 歡迎投稿
6. 巫師的宇宙神器已開始掉落
英雄變化: angela
    & 一堆英雄 BUG 修理
    以前需要 Cosmic 的終端成就 現在只需要在任何難度都行


有話題就有變化 ~

Enemy & Boss Drops Clarification
1. 在普通難度敵人和Boss只會掉普通~EPIC等級的裝備
2. 在英雄/更高難度才會掉宇宙裝備和獨特裝備
3. 奧丁事件之類的寶箱不受此限, 上述規則只生效於敵人直接掉落的裝備

目前 Heroic 和 Cosmic Hightown 的 Unique 掉落率低於預期, 下個 Patch 會修正

Yeah, there is an intermittent issue with them not rolling an affix. We'll be fixing that next week.
The reroll cosmic affix recipe will add one, but that does require a rare crafting material right now dropping only in cosmic.
Hang on to those items and we'll give out a box of reroll mats with next weeks patch.
So using the Cosmic Fragment will add the affixes.
Yep     { 宇宙神器目前有Bug 少條詞綴, 下個 Patch 會修正, 提供一盒材料用新配方修正 }

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.02 Patch Notes

2月2日星期二12:00 PST, Odin's Bounty returns

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (2/1)

有玩家貼了一個 Steam 的頁面

Quick update - We have some more plans in mind for Nova, so consider this week to be "Part 1" of Nova's changes, with some more polish coming next week, particularly targeting Non-Pulsar builds - including some power mappings that will allow you to swap some of the Pulsars for non-Pulsar variants.
本週對 Nova 的更新只是第一階段

Test Center - 1/31
   [Test Center] Beast Feedback
   [Test Center] Cosmic Artifacts
   [Test Center] Blade Feedback
   [Test Center] Angela Feedback
   [Test Center] Jubilee Team-Up Feedback
   [Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (1/31)
       宇宙終端的 Bounty Missions 回來了, 現在任何難度都可以殺死定額小怪, 獲得額外
      在宇宙難度其內容多出 :
           High chance for an Epic or Cosmic Catalyst 較高機率
得到 紫/黃 催化劑
           Low chance for a 500,000 credit chest  有低機率得到50萬信用點錢箱
           Moderate chance to drop Unstable Molecules 中等機率得到
Unstable Molecules
           Double XP Orbs compared to normal/heroic 比綠/紅難度多得1倍XP球

     bounty mission 得到 Boss Artifact 的機會比大改版前高, 完成了
bounty mission 的終端掉落  Cosmic Artifacts 機率會變低 {這句怪怪的, 像是 bounty mission 一天只能解一次似的 }





[MHO] 9月份PC版官網雜記

[MHO] 我家的 純.防禦型 Thing 石頭人

[MHO] 我家兩款惡搞型 Star-Lord 星爵


開啟 APP

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