
日誌2019-11-24 00:28

【中文歌詞翻譯】Eminem-Sing For The Moment


Eminem-Sing For The Moment


These ideas are nightmares to white parents
Whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earrings
Like whatever they say has no bearing
It's so scary in a house that allows no swearing
To see him walkin' around with his headphones blarin'
Alone in his own zone, cold and he don't care, he's
他活在自己的世界裡  不在乎外界的冷酷
A problem child, and what bothers him all comes out
他是個問題兒童  當他提起他那該死的老爸就不爽
When he talks about his fuckin' dad walkin' out (Bitch!)
'Cause he hates him so bad that he blocks him out
他對他爸恨之入骨  而不想去記起他
If he ever saw him again he'd probably knock him out
如果再次看到他爸  他很可能會暴打他一頓
His thoughts are wacked, he's mad so he's talkin' back
他的想法瘋狂且扭曲  他十分不爽而開始回嘴
Talkin' black, brainwashed from rock and rap
他充滿黑人的價值觀  被搖滾和饒舌洗腦
He sags his pants, do-rags and a stockin' cap
他穿著垮褲 圍著頭巾 戴著毛帽
His step-father hit him so he socked him back
他的繼父打了他  所以他使勁地還手
And broke his nose, his house is a broken home
打斷了他的鼻樑  他的家庭已經支離破碎
There's no control, he just lets his emotions go
他失去控制  他就這樣讓情緒爆發

(Come on!) Sing with me (Sing!), sing for the year (Sing it!)
跟著我唱吧  為了今年而唱
Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear (Come on!)
為了那些笑聲  為了那些眼淚而唱
Sing it with me, it's just for today
跟著我唱吧  就算今天也好
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away

Entertainment is changin', intertwinin' with gangsters
娛樂正在改變  開始與幫派扯上關係
In the land of the killers a sinner's mind is a sanctum
在殺手充斥的國度  比起他們  歌手的心靈如同聖地
Holy or unholy, only have one homie
不論神聖與否  都只有一個兄弟
Only this gun, lonely ‘cause don't anyone know me
就是這把槍  獨自一人因為無人了解我
Yet everybody just feels like they can relate (Huh-uh)
I guess words are a motherfucker, they can be great
我想話語是個混蛋  他們能傳達好的事物
Or they can degrade, or even worse, they can teach hate
或者能用來貶低別人  甚至更糟  他們能傳達憎恨
It's like these kids hang on every single statement we make
Like they worship us, plus all the stores ship us platinum
他們崇拜我們  我們的唱片賣到白金銷量
Now how the fuck did this metamorphosis happen?
From standin' on corners and porches just rappin'
To havin' a fortune, no more kissin' ass
到前途無量  不需再阿諛諂媚別人
But then these critics crucify you (Yep), journalists try to burn you
但接著  那些評論家攻擊你  記者想要毀了你
Fans turn on you, attorneys all want a turn at you
粉絲突然背叛你  律師都不想幫你
To get they hands on every dime you have
They want you to lose your mind every time you mad
他們想要你每次生氣時  都失去理智
So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon
Any dispute won't hesitate to produce handguns
That's why these prosecutors wanna convict me
Strictly just to get me off of these streets quickly
But all they kids be listenin' to me religiously
So I'm signin' CDs while police fingerprint me
所以警察在按我的指紋時  我還在幫粉絲在CD上簽名
They're for the judge's daughter, but his grudge is against me
這些CD是要給法官的女兒  但他卻想要送我進監獄
If I'm such a fuckin' menace, this shit doesn't make sense, B
如果我他媽真的是個威脅  那這些事根本沒道理啊  兄弟 (註1
It's all political, if my music is literal
這一切都是政治  如果我的音樂都是事實
And I'm a criminal, how the fuck can I raise a little girl?
I couldn't, I wouldn't be fit to
我不能  我不適任
You're full of shit too, Guerrera, that was a fist that hit you! (Bitch!)
Guerrera你說的都是狗屎  我明明是赤手空拳打你的(註3

(Come on!) Sing with me (Sing!), sing for the year (Sing it!)
跟著我唱吧  為了今年而唱
Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear (Sing that shit!)
為了那些笑聲  為了那些眼淚而唱
Sing it with me, it's just for today
跟著我唱吧  就算今天也好
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away

They say music can alter moods and talk to you
人們說音樂能夠渲染情緒  能夠傳達信息
Well, can it load a gun up for you and cock it too?
那難道它能夠將槍上膛 然後扣下板機嗎
Well, if it can, then the next time you assault a dude
如果可以的話  那下一次你襲擊了別人
Just tell the judge it was my fault and I'll get sued
就告訴法官是我的錯  那我就會被起訴了
See, what these kids do is hear about us totin' pistols
And they wanna get one ‘cause they think the shit's cool
他們也想要一把  因為他們覺得這樣很酷
Not knowin' we really just protectin' ourselves
We entertainers, of course the shit's affectin' our sales
我們可是藝人  吹噓自己有槍當然會提高我們的銷量
You ignoramus, but music is reflection of self
你們對此一無所知  但是音樂不過是自我故事的反映
We just explain it, and then we get our checks in the mail
我們只是闡述自我  然後收到的信裡的支票就有一堆錢
It's fucked up, ain't it? How we can come from practically nothin'
很荒謬 不是嗎  我們是如何從一無所有
To bein' able to have any fuckin' thing that we wanted
That's why we sing for these kids who don't have a thing
Except for a dream and a fuckin' rap magazine (Ha-ha!)
Who post pin-up pictures on they walls all day long
Idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs
他們把最喜愛的饒舌歌手當作偶像  記住他們所有的歌
Or for anyone who's ever been through shit in they lives
So they sit and they cry at night, wishin' they'd die
他們只能晚上獨自在地上哭  甚至不想活下去
'Til they throw on a rap record and they sit and they vibe
直到他們找到一張唱片 並對此有共鳴且作為精神支柱
We're nothin' to you, but we're the fuckin' shit in they eyes
我們對你什麼都不是  但對他來說  我們可是他們的一切
That's why we seize the moment, try to freeze it and own it
那就是為什麼 我們把握此刻 試著永久保留住這一刻
Squeeze it and hold it ‘cause we consider these minutes golden
緊握不放開  因為這可是我們的黃金時刻
And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone, just let our spirits
Live on through our lyrics that you hear in our songs, and we can…
我們的精神會隨著歌詞永存  每當你聽我們的歌就能感受到這點

Sing with me (Sing!), sing for the year (Sing it!)
跟著我唱吧  為了今年而唱
Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear (Come on!)
為了那些笑聲  為了那些眼淚而唱
Sing it with me, it's just for today
跟著我唱吧  就算今天也好
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away

Sing with me (Sing!), sing for the year (Sing it!)
跟著我唱吧  為了今年而唱
Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear (Come on!)
為了那些笑聲  為了那些眼淚而唱
Sing it with me, it's just for today
跟著我唱吧  就算今天也好
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away

這首歌收錄在2002年的The Eminem Show,Em從出道後就一直飽受爭議,做為一個白人rapper,他的風格瘋狂、我行我素,他的大部分歌詞充滿暴力血腥,使他在音樂界成為一個顯眼的存在,然而他也因此引來許多白人抗議及批評,畢竟當初白人對黑人的饒舌依然十分排斥。

Sing For The Moment是對於那些批評的回擊,以及闡述了自己的理想,歌詞中也有許多反映出社會的黑暗面,是Em的經典作。


1. B 是紐約方言 等同於 Bro 兄弟

2. Criminal為Em收錄在MMLP中的歌,內容充滿犯罪等事情...

3. Guerrera曾經當過Em的保鑣  具Em所說 他看到Guerrera與妻子Kim偷情,於是他便打了Guerrera,Guerrera控告Em是用槍打他,但Em說他是用拳頭打的而非槍

希望沒有翻錯( ・∀・)






ひぐらし feat.水槽 中日歌詞

[翻譯]フォニイ / 星街すいせい的版本

[翻譯] Missing- vaundy / ellegarden


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