伸手觸及天際 |
樂團 |
專輯 |
歌詞 |
Walking back now In my memory lane Something changed from I thought what was mine In the blue town As I'm feeling vague Flipping through blank pages with no line |
回首記憶的長河 那裡佇立著 與今日不同的自己 在沉悶的街道間 踽踽獨行 翻開一頁依舊空白的日記 |
切り裂かれそうな光が 路地裏を無機質に染め 見渡す限りの嘘が 僕らの痛みをやわらげる |
刺破黑暗的光芒 冰冷地灑落在這條小巷 目之所及的謊言 舒緩著我們心中的傷 |
You should try it It's the time to dare We should try it Don't be scared of bystanders |
勇於嘗試吧 無需畏懼 也已無可失去 勇於嘗試吧 別害怕旁人的目光 |
さざめいた街の灯が 俯く足音掻き消し 傷付いた胸抱き 僕らはただ空見上げる |
閃爍的霓虹燈光 掩蓋了低頭前行的腳步聲 懷抱著受傷的心 我們只能仰望著天空 |
Don't be afraid, be afraid 誰だって 迷い戸惑っているんだ Don't you change, don't you change いつだって ありのままの顔見せて |
無需感到恐懼 誰都曾經迷惘徬徨 無需改變自己 無論何時,都展現最真實的模樣 |
You should try it It's the time to dare We should try it Don't you care? |
勇於嘗試吧 是時候放手一搏 勇於嘗試吧 無需躊躇不前 |
Reaching for the sky I will not stay Won't hesitate, live for today My hands are in the air Reaching for the sky I will not pray to find my way I can go anywhere |
伸手觸及天際 不再駐足 不再猶豫,只為活在當下 輕輕伸出手 抓住那無垠的蒼穹 不再祈求命運指引方向 因為此刻我已無處不去 |
All the burden All the junk I made Squeezing, weighing on my futurе all along In the rain now, like a waterfall Sanctifiеs every sadness and the wrong |
掌心緊握著親手堆砌的殘骸 投下陰影 遮蔽前方的路途 傾瀉而下的滂沱大雨 洗滌所有的悲傷與錯誤 |
あの雲の空の彼方 暗闇よりもっと先だろう 新たに訪れる陽が 僕らに微笑むように |
那片雲層之外的天空 一定比黑暗更加遼闊 當新的太陽升起 它會微笑地照耀著我們 |
You should try it It's the time to dare We should try it Don't you care? |
勇於嘗試吧 是時候放手一搏 勇於嘗試吧 無需躊躇不前 |
Reaching for the sky I will not stay Won't hesitate, live for today My hands are in the air Reaching for the sky I will not pray to find my way I can go anywhere |
伸手觸碰天空 不再停滯 不再猶豫,只為活在當下 輕輕伸出手 抓住那無垠的蒼穹 不再祈求命運指引方向 因為此刻我已無處不去 |
Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah |
Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah |
So don't you ever fold the game? There's still some more for us to bet, and us to play The goal is there, the others come for us to claim But we will not give in We'll never be engaged or tamed, proclaim in ya name Don't you fold the game |
這場戰鬥尚未結束! 還有路尚未走完 終點近在眼前!任由他人質疑,但無需理會 我們不會屈服, 不會被束縛,不會被馴服!為自己的信念高聲宣告 永不退出這場戰鬥! |
The call is yours Don't you ever fold the game The call is yours Don't you ever fold your game The call is yours Don't you ever fold the game The call is yours Don't you ever fold your game |
這一刻屬於你 千萬別讓戰局終結 一切皆在你手中 千萬別放棄這場戰鬥 這一刻屬於你 千萬別放棄這場戰鬥 一切皆在你手中 千萬別放棄這場戰鬥 |